RB!Heatwave x Human!reader

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Finally got my first request done after my small hiatus. I'm getting back at it, trying my best to get them out as soon as possible. It's a bit shorter than what I had wanted but I'm trying to get back to my usual flow. I still hope you'll like it!

This was requested by jessetheautobot 

Heatwave grumbled slightly as Kade kept yelling, again. He may have gotten better at speaking with the boy, but honestly? He just wanted to work without the humans always with them. He didn't exactly despise humans but he hated how they always got in the way.

He skidded to halt in front of the once cave entrance. "Great, we can't even get in." Heatwave didn't listen to Kade's grumbling as he thought of a way to get in. This exact mission was important to him and another reason why he didn't want Kade on this one.

He didn't want to admit it, but even though he kind of hates the boy he also cares for him. "Get out." Kade looked at Heatwave's dashboard with a confused look. "Excuse me?" He sounded offended. "I said get out!" Kade jumped slightly at Headwave's tone of voice. He's never heard him that angry.

"Alright, alright. Whatever." Kade crawled out of Heatwaves alt, landing on the gravel with a thud. Heatwave transformed as soon as Kade was out. He walked over to the rocks, before pulling off the top one. It was a bit heavy but Heatwave could take it.

He kept removing the rocks, one by one, until there weren't many left. Heatwave stopped when the hole was big enough for even him to get through. "Y/N?!" Kade walked inside, Heatwave right behind him.

You were the reason that Heatwave needed to get this job done correctly. You were a Burns, being in the middle of the small family. You weren't in rescue the same way as the rest of the family. You didn't always come in to the dangerous areas because you were their medic.

You were in the field, yes, but more to the side, always ready incase someone had gotten injured. But this time, you had gotten to the accident first, since you had been on a normal walk. That's when you had heard a cry for help from an old cave.

You had of course called your family for help, but you also knew that they wouldn't have gotten there in time. Which had made you walk into the cave long before the others had arrived. And now none of them knew where in the cave you had gotten, since the entrance had collapsed a few minutes ago.

Heatwave shushed Kade's yelling, trying to listen as to where you were. "Kade!" Your voice was faint but Heatwave could hear it. He walked up to a split in the tunnels, listening once again. "This way." He had turned to the right, following your ever growing voice.

Kade had a nervous look on his face, afraid that anything had happened to you. You were his sibling after all. When Heatwave couldn't hear your cries, he got frantic, walking ever the slight faster. "Call for her again." He had demanded to Kade, which made the young firefighter yell your name.

"Kade!" You sounded so close now, like you were right around the corner, which to their surprise, you were. You were sitting on the ground with a young woman by your side. She was knocked out, clearly having a head injury. 

You had tried to help her by using your outer shirt. You had stopped the bleeding which had been a plus. "Oh thank god. I never thought you guys would find me." You sounded scared, but reassuring. "We need to get her out of here and to the hospital."

Heatwave had nodded before transforming into his alt-mode. "Let's get going then." You motioned for Kade to help you lift the woman into Heatwave's passenger seat. Once all three of you were seated, Heatwave made his way out of the cave tunnels.

"I'm glad you guys got here in time." You had let the woman rest her head on your shoulder, while you were holding you side softly. "If we had been there a little longer I might not have been able to greet you." 

Kade looked at you with a worried look. "I hurt myself on my way there, but I'm alright. I'm gonna be alright, don't worry." You smiled reassuringly at both Heatwave and Kade. It didn't take long before Heatwave was parked outside of the hospital.

You had called some of the nurses you knew and told them what had happened and that you and the woman were gonna need help. Four nurses had come out with stretchers, first taking the woman and then you. You had told Kade, before going in, to tell what had happened to your dad.

::: A few days later :::

You had gotten better, faster than any of the new nurses had expected. Of course your friends knew how fast you healed, only because of your sheer determination of getting out of the dreaded hospital beds.

Even though you, in a way, worked for the hospital, you hated being in the hospital. This is why you chose to work with your family, in the field as the first to take care of patients that had gotten injured under the accidents that tended to happen at Griffin Rock.

Another reason you wanted to get out as fast as possible and back home, was one that no one knew except for a few Cybertronians and a dad you knew. You and Heatwave had fallen for each other after working together for so long.

None of your siblings knew of this fact, except for Cody, but that was mostly because he was good at figuring out stuff. Your dad was the first to know however, because you told him only a few days after you and Heatwave had made choice of getting together.

He had been worried at first but he ultimately decided to support your decision, since you were old enough to make them yourself. You had been overjoyed at hearing his answer, though you hadn't expected much else. Your dad had always been supportive of you.

Especially when you took your medical exam. It had taken a few tries because of a few problems outside of school, but he had always been there to help you study. As well as the rest of your family. And even though they knew less about the human body than you, they still tried.

Your dad had even been supportive when you told him that you wanted to learn about Cybertronians and how to help them, in case that any of the rescue bots ever got injured. But you also think that he had been extra supportive of that decision since the 'bots didn't have a medic. And that had been a problem before.

Once back at the firehouse you had gone directly to Heatwave. Which had been easier said than done, since he was the only one there. "Where's everyone else?" You looked at Heatwave from your place in his lap. "They're out on a little adventure. Your dad was kind enough to give us some alone time." 

You smiled softly, snuggling closer to your giant boyfriend. "I'm glad for that. I'm gonna thank him once they're back." Because of your closed eyes you didn't see the soft smile Heatwave was wearing, but you did feel the soft kiss on the top of your head. "I love you."

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