Bayverse!Optimus Prime x femme!reader

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Y/N sighed as she parked her car outside of the worn-down barn. She opened the door and stepped out before closing and locking the doors. Her body moving swiftly across the grass and onto the gravel road. 

The stones moved under her feet as she walked up to the old doors of the barn. She knocked on the door before she walked in. "Hey, Cade." The mentioned man turned and looked at the female. "Hey Y/N. Nice, you could come."

She nodded and walked over to him and the truck he was working on. "New truck?" She traced her fingers over the metal of the truck, looking at her fingers that were now covered in dust. She saw Cade nodded out of the corners of her eyes.

"Yeah. 'Bought it earlier today. I wondered if you maybe could help me and Lucas, repair it." Y/N raised one of her eyebrows. "You know that I am not good with vehicles. I'll make some food for you though." Cade smiled softly and nodded. "Thank you." 

Y/N smiled as well before she walked out of the barn and over to her car. She took out a bag with groceries and walked over to the small house. She placed the bag down and turned to Tessa who had walked into the kitchen after Y/N. "Hey, Tess. How're you doing?" She asked as she walked over and hugged the girl. 

*Time skip*

Y/N sighed and wiped her eyebrows as she finished the dinner she had planned for the Yeager family. She smiled softly and placed everything on the table she had set earlier. She took off her apron and hung it on the wall before walking into the living room.

She screeched with Tessa as a missile flew in through the window. She grabbed Tessa's arm and ran into the bathroom where she locked the door. She held onto the smaller girl tightly as she waited for an explosion.

Though when nothing happened she let go of Tessa. She stood and opened the door slightly, looking at the missile that was silently sitting on the couch. She grabbed Tessa's hand and slowly made her way to the door, stepping over furniture and other stuff to keep as far away from the missile as possible. 

Once outside Tessa ran over to the barn to tell her father. Y/N didn't run after her as she paused outside of the house, wondering what Cade had gotten himself into. She turned back to the barn when she heard Tessa scream. She quickly made her way over but stopped dead in her tracks once she had gotten to the doorway. 

There, right in front of her stood her spark-mate Optimus Prime. "I'll kill you all!" Although he wasn't really himself right now. Cade kept Tessa behind him as he tried to calm down the Prime. "Wait, stop! We're just trying to help!" 

At this time Y/N noticed Lucas, who was laying on the ground, groaning in pain. Everyone calmed down a bit as Optimus pointed his gun at Cade. "You had a missile lodged into your engine. I pulled it out." Cade walked closer as Optimus thanked him. 

"I need to get to the others. My team." Cade walked closer and picked up a piece that Optimus had dropped. "And how far do you think you're gonna get?" Cade looked up at the Prime. "Let me help you." Optimus looked away as he thought about it. "I would take the offer Optimus." 

Y/N walked closer, her spark beating faster as tears brimmed in her eyes. The Prime widened his eyes with everyone else. "How do you know my name?" He narrowed his eyes and pointed his gun back at her. 

"Y/N what are you doing?!" Tessa whisper-yelled at the (H/C) girl. "Y/N," Optimus whispered to himself as he widened his eyes once again. "But that doesn't make sense. How are you a human." Y/N scratched her neck slightly. "It's something I call a holoform. Cade helped me build the device so I can hide more easily." 

Tessa gasped as she looked at her dad. "You knew?!" Cade nodded. "Yeah. I took her in since she promised to help me with my inventions." Tessa sighed before she raised her hands in the air and walked out of the barn. 

Lucas stood on his feet once again as Cade walked over. "Lucas, I need you to go buy this stuff for me." He told his friend and handed him a slip of paper. Lucas groaned and took the paper before walking out of the barn as well. 

*Time skip.*

Y/N sighed in satisfaction as she leaned back in the chair on the Yeager household's porch. Though her peaceful time was interrupted when a bunch of bad guy cars arrived at the house. Tessa stood up and yelled out for her dad as Y/N walked off of the porch. 

Cade came out from the barn with Lucas as he walked over to the scary guys. He began arguing with one of the guys as all of the others began searching around for something. Y/N already knew what it was and she prayed that they wouldn't find her sweetspark.

She got a bit more nervous when they looked her alt mode over. Though they didn't seem to deem it as something interesting. She got tackled to the ground, however. She struggled against the strong grip of the men above her as she looked at Cade and Tessa. 

She saw the bad guy holding a gun to Cade's head as a grunt held his gun to Tessa's head. Y/N breathed heavily as she thought about the situation at hand. She could reveal herself and save them, but then what? Get killed? She closed her eyes tightly as the bad guy counted down.

Her eyes snapped open as her holoform fizzled away, shocking the men who were holding her down. "Boss!" She transformed and shot at the grunts as she walked away. "Optimus!" She yelled out and turned to run away. The Prime burst out of the barn shouting at the men. 

They all turned their attention to him as Y/N transformed and began driving away. She drove into the fields where her friends had run over. She followed the race car they were in. She hoped and prayed to Primus that Optimus would be okay.

*Yet another time skip*

Y/N smiled softly as she looked at the setting sun. She was currently in her cybertronian mode, sitting on the edge of a cliff. She didn't move when another cybertronian sat down beside her. She already knew who it was so she said nothing and laid her helm on the other's shoulder. 

The other cybertronian wrapped their arm around her shoulder and softly caressed her upper arm. "Everything is gonna turn out fine." The gruff yet sweet voice of her spark mate said. Her smile faltered slightly as tears filled her optics. "I miss the others." 

"I know. But we can't bring them back in other than our memories. They'll never be forgotten." She felt a digit on her chin as her head was tilted up to look at the Prime. She smiled once more but with a small blue tint to her cheek plating. 

The prime chuckled softly before he leaned in so their forehead touched. "Promise me that we'll stay together forever." Y/N said as her optics brightened a bit. "I promise." The Prime said and leaned in the rest of the way so their dermas were touching. Sealing the promise with a kiss.

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