Writer Reader meets the Autobots (Platonic)

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It was nice, to be honest. Being able to just sit down, surrounded by people, who knew nothing about you. You liked your fans, no doubt, it was just nice to be able to sit and relax.

You'd been taken in by the 'bots after you was involved in an incident with the Decepticons. They had decided to take you as a hostage as you were more well known than most humans.

Though, after the 'bots had rescued you, you had been slightly surprised over them not knowing you, whatsoever. But again, it didn't bother you.

You had even met two of the three kids that the 'bots also kept safe. One of them, Raphael, had heard about you, in passing but wasn't personally too interested in the fantasy worlds you created with your words.

And the only 'bot who even knew your name was Ratchet as he had been the one on the internet, searching about humans from Optimus, but he never was interested in human literature.

And then there was Fowler. They hadn't been around the base at the same as you, but about a week into your stay, Fowler had arrived.

Fowler had come to complain about more human involvement, as it was more stressing on his job.

"So, you've gotten another human involved." He was rubbing the bridge of his nose, disappointed in the 'bots, almost like a dad. "Alright. It's already too late to complain about. Who is it this time, another child?"

You stepped closer to the agent, holding a hand out for him to take. "That would be me. Not a child so to speak." Fowler first took a good look at you, like one of those instances when someone thought they knew another person, but wasn't so sure.

"Wait a minute." He went quiet after that, before his eyes widened, clearly shocked over who you were. "You're- You're-" You smiled softly, nodding your head in agreement.

"Dang. Never thought you would be the one to be wrangled into this. I'm Agent Fowler. It's nice to meet you." He took your hand, after it had begun stinging as it had fallen asleep, shaking it softly.

"I've read a lot of your stuff. Love it all." He wanted to talk more with you, but almost all of the 'bots had gotten closer, curious about your involvement with Fowler. "How do you know Agent Fowler?" Optimus had questioned.

You looked at Optimus. "I don't know him personally, but he reads my books, and are a fan of them." Optimus furrowed his brows, knowing what a book was but not that people would write them.

Some beeps from Bumblebee, getting translated by Raf. "What do you write about." "Well, a lot of different stuff. I sometimes write fantasy. Creatures that doesn't exist, magic. Sci-fi. Mystery. That kind of stuff."

There was a scoff over by Ratchet. "Pff, magic. Load of scrap." "And yet people like what I write." Ratchet glanced over his shoulder, glaring daggers at you. If looks could kill.

"Can I read one of your books?" Bulkhead seemed excited over the thought of reading something that wasn't textbooks. "Well, yes, though they're all written in English. So, if you're still interested, I could send you a digital copy. Or something."

Both Bulkhead and Bumblebee seemed excited at your answer, clearly interested in it. Arcee was the only one out of the four that didn't seem interested, even though she walked over to ask questions.

"Why? Is it your job or something?" You looked at Arcee, a smile and a nod as your answer. "Is it enough to live of off?" "Well, it was difficult in the start as my books weren't too well known. But I put a lot of effort and passion into my writing and after a while, I was able to make into my full job."

"Incredible." The last kid, Miko, had finally arrived, clearly knowing you as well. You chuckled a little nervously, still not used to the crowding of fans. "Well, I would say that it's nice to have you around, but it's not good, as they shouldn't have brought you here."

Fowler glared at the 'bots, making Bulkhead and Bee look at him with an apologetic look. It just made you chuckle, as you knew you were gonna like it around here.

A little after everyone had dispersed Optimus had shushed you over to a small corner, leaning in close. "May I- Uh- Get some of your books?" You just smiled softly, nodding your head. "Of course."

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