Mtmte!Crew x Human!reader Family style

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::: Swearth :::

Finding Swerve on the giant Earth had proven to be difficult. Since the planet seemed to inhabit as many people as the real one. But the small lot of you continued to look for your friend.

This had led you to a small apartment, where you had all made a base for yourself. You were sitting with Tailgate, reading a comic that was about your adventures.

That's when Bluestreak walked in with three different people. "I don't think any of you has met our neighbors." He pointed to the three people showing two tall men and one short one.

You couldn't shake the feeling like they were familiar. You just stared at them when they talked about anything and everything. You shook off the feeling a bit, thinking that it couldn't be someone you knew back on Earth and they didn't look like Swerve.

You stood up and walked over to the three people ignoring the laugh track that was playing in the background. You already knew the reason for it. Swerve liked to watch Romcoms with you sometimes, even other times than movie night.

The three people had been yelling about being locked out of their apartment which made Bluestreak help them open the door. You stood beside the men, looking at the door and at their apartment number.

You turned to the people letting the feeling from before seep back in, though one more followed after. You ignored the second one before looking in between the three.

"Swerve?" All three turned towards you, answering. They merged into one person then and there, letting the hollow form of Swerve stand in front of you. You smiled softly as everyone gasped.

::: Swerves Apartment :::

Swerve had sat down on the ground beginning to explain himself as to what had been happening. That's when the second feeling from before kicked in again. You tried to ignore it as much as you could but it was like a shadow flowing over you.

It wasn't that dramatic, you just felt it creep up your back. Being surrounded by humans. Humans you hadn't seen in years. You just wanted to hug them all, if just for a moment.

You looked over at Swerve as he took a break in his explaining, catching your gaze. He was your one of the only connection to Earth. Only Rodimus knew some things about humans.

You lunged towards him, enveloping him in a hug. Tears dripped down from your eyes, but these tears weren't because you felt sad. You felt happy, finally touching another human being after a year and a half without. It was amazing in your opinion.

"Y/N?" You leaned back from Swerve, drying your eyes with your sleeve. "Sorry, I just..." You trailed off, letting a hiccup escape you. "I just felt lonely. In a way. I guess it's harder living with giant robots than what I first imagined."

Swerve smiled slightly before hugging you again. "It's alright." He rubbed your back slightly, smiling. "It seems like everyone gets something off their chest today." Tailgate giggled slightly, his girly voice in a high pitch.

You kept smiling and hugging Swerve tightly. Happy.

::: Outside of Swerves : After Swerves surgery :::

"What is this surprise you had for me?" Swerve smiled brightly in his holomatter. "You're so curious!" He rubbed his hand in your hair, still taller than you.

He smiled, stopping after you had pleaded for your newly brushed hair. "Well, after you told us about you missing human connection I gathered everyone that was willing..." He trailed off as the doors to the bar opened.

He motioned for you to walk in, which you do. "Surprise!!!" You looked around at all of the humans in the room. You noticed Rodimus, Rung, Skids and many more of the Lost Lighters.

"I asked them to do this for you, since you were such a help to us when you were trying to find me." You held your hands over your mouth as tears filled your eyes.

Swerve widened his own behind the stylish glasses. "Oh no. Was this the wrong thing to do." You quickly went to hug him, shaking your head violently. "This is amazing! Thank you, all of you." You turned to everyone in the bar, smiling brightly.

You had been rotated between many of the bots so that you could talk to as many of them as possible. Even Megatron had decided to join you all. He had freezed when you had given him a hug before he returned it.

Now he could hug you without worrying about crushing you. At the end of the night you had stood up on a chair, calling for everyone's attention, to hold a speech of a sort.

You took a deep breath. "So I'm not really good as speeches, but here goes. I really want to thank all of you. This has been an amazing night, thank you." You held up your glass that held some kind of drink Swerve had gotten his servos on.

"I also wanted to thank Swerve, for setting this up, and for being an amazing caretaker. He had really been helping me when I'm feeling down, and now I'm happy that I have been able to help him get through a hard time."

You smile got brighter as you looked over at Swerve, holding up your glass once again. "And last, I'll thank you all again, for being an amazing family for me." You held up your glass once more before stepping down from the chair, letting the party continue on.

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