MTMTE!Misfire x Femme!Reader

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Woo! I'm on a roll today! Hope you liked it!

You had joined the scavengers long before Fulcrum, but also some time after the small crew had begun to get along. They had found you on a deserted planet, all alone, living in a cave. The first thing they had done was threatening you, but stopped once they found out your alignment with the Decepticons.

All four of them had take you in, though you weren't sure if it was because they pitied you because you could help. If it was the latter rather than the former then you might just had been left behind if it wasn't for your mechanic and medic skills.

But anyway, you were grateful for actually living on a berth rather than the ground. Ad you even got along with the crew of the scavengers. You and Krok usually shared stories from the war, since the both of you had lost a team.

You and Crankcase could bond over the mechanics of the ship, helping each other to improve. Spinister may have been hard to communicate with at first but after a while of speaking in medical terms you learned how to communicate. You and Flywheels were able to talk religion with each other, telling the different tales you both had learned.

And last but not least, you and Misfire bonded over jokes and pranks, and just fun times in general. You two were the ones that created shoot-shoot-bang-bang together. You thought it would be a fun distraction for when you guys didn't need to fight.

The kicker had been when you found out that the Decepticons had lost the war to the Autobots. Which had made you lock yourself into your room for weeks. Not opening unless one of the others came with energon.

But they also knew to not cross your boundaries, letting you think for yourself since they knew it was a bummer. They felt so themselves. You didn't even come out when the new guy, Fulcrum, joined the crew.

At this moment you were sitting on the ground, curled into a ball with your knees to your chestplate. You were thinking of your old crew, their deaths, their wasted deaths. You had only been lucky enough to survive because your boss had told you to get more ammunition.

See your camp hadn't been on the best layout. The extra ammunition had been in a bunker, hidden away in the forest. It had been designed like this so that in case you got under attack your attackers wouldn't be able to steal the ammunition.

You had been ordered to find more ammunition because you all were running low. And once you were packing as many guns and blasters you could, you heard engines, far away engines. And the once you got back, the Autobots were leaving the planet.

You had tried to communicate over the comm system but it was so busted that you couldn't tell if someone got your message. All you could do was hope, even if you didn't believe in hope. And to your luck you quickly ran out of energon, since your team wasn't there to help collect it.

Which had made you abandon camp with some supplies to find a cave that held energon. You did it for efficiency to be honest. And that was when the scavengers had found you. You vented softly, still looking onto the ground.

You scrunched up your face before standing up and stretching, letting your joints creak and ache. You've been sulking for too long. The first thing you did once you were out of your room was to walk out into the T.V. room since they were always in there.

You headed over to the fridge, taking out one of Kroks engex drinks before walking over to the couch where everyone, even the new one, was watching some new show. You stood behind them for a while, silently sipping on the engex.

"So, who's the guy?" Everyone snapped their helms towards you, except for Spinister. They all pointed their blasters at you which made you lift one servo up by your head, still drinking. "Sorry for asking."

Misfire smirked widely before getting up and hugged you tightly. "You're finally out!" You chuckled softly, pushing him away slightly. You turned to the new guy, holding out your free hand, letting Misfire take the engex from the other. 

"Hi there, I'm Y/N." The 'bot took your servo with his own, shaking yours softly. "Fulcrum." You smiled softly, sitting down beside Misfire, ready to watch the rest of the show with your crew, or family, as you called them.

::: Your habsuite : Some time later :::

You sat in Misfires lap, relaxing a bit. Now the two of you aren't officially together but you liked to tease each other and act like partners. Though then again, you haven't even shared a kiss. But you wanted to change that today.

You looked up at him with soft eyes and smile. "Hey Misfire?" He opened his optics, looking back down at you. "Yes?" "Do you love me?" The question seem to catch him off guard. "Why're you asking that?" 

You thought for a moment, trying to piece a coherent sentence together on you glossa. "Because..." You trailed off, trying to gain the confidence you needed for this sentence. "Because I love you." He widened his optics for a split moment before the got soft again.

"I'm glad, because I love you too." You kept smiling, though it widened a bit as you leaned up, catching his lips in your own, letting the two of you share a kiss. He let his servos land on your cheek plates at the same time as yours landed on his chest, feeling the whirr of his spark under plating.

He pulled back, smiling before kissing you all over your face. You scrunched up your nose, chuckling softly. "I love you a lot. All the way to Cybertron and back." You wanted to retort back with your own version but you didn't get the chance as he caught your lips once again, this time in a deeper and more romantic kiss.

"I love you."

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