MTMTE!Rung x Female!Reader

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I think this might be the last one I post for tonight since I have to sleep for tomorrow. I might write a bit for the others but no promises. I hope you liked it though!

You sat down on the table Skids had put you upon, letting you see the state Rung was currently in. No real head, only a brain module. But you had been told that he was still alive and kicking, in a way.

You stayed behind when Skids and Swerve went on, probably to drown their sorrow of their friend in booze. You had your head buried in you knees, not letting any of the medics see the state you were in.

You didn't even look up when you felt something warm on your shoulder. "We'll let you be with him a bit, alone. We'll be in the next room. Just call if anything happens." You didn't react to Ratchets voice, or the door slam. 

It took a few minutes after the slam before you lifted your head, letting your disheveled state show. Your eyes were red and puffy from the crying you had been doing for hours. Your lips were turned downwards as more tears joined the last, letting you dehydrate yourself slowly.

You opened your mouth, ready to say something to Rung, but you couldn't even make a sound to begin with. You took a few deep breaths, hoping for your voice to join you once again. "Rung." His name was the first word you muttered before letting more join in.

"I'm so sorry. This is my fault." You began blaming yourself, feeling guilty for your lovers current state. If you had just been there to talk Fortress Maximus out of his rampage. You and the giant had become pretty good friends since you talked a lot with him, and relating to him.

"If I had just insisted on staying." You were one of the only ones he listened to, but when you had been locked in with them to begin with, Max had picked you up and placed you outside before locking the doors in your face.

"I'm sorry." You had decided to take some action at first, making your way through the air vents, but it had been deemed futile as you had met Skids on your way and he had then sent you back, not letting you anywhere near the problem.

You had then been kept away, not being able to be there for Rung when he was undergoing surgery. Instead you had been locked in your habsuite, only now gotten out to see him. You hadn't been happy with anyone involved with his state and keeping you at bay.

You wiped away some of your tears before standing up. It was a small walk over to his chest where you sat down once again, leaning your head on his warm body, letting the sound of his whirring spark enter your ears.

This had gotten you to cry once again, though not as heavily this time. The sound of his spark actually got your eyes to become heavy. You yawned softly, exhausted from all of the crying and worrying. All of this had been happening over one singular day after all.

::: Your habsuite :::

If you had known, when you fell asleep, that you would sleep for three days, then you wouldn't have gone to sleep. Like at all. Not until Rung was up and going again. Which he was now, but you had missed it.

You found out because Rung was walking around your habsuite, putting up some of his stuff, almost like he was decorating his own suite. You hadn't registered his existence to begin with, thinking that it was probably Swerve or someone else.

But once you found out, you had gone on another crying streak, though this one was from happiness. You could have hugged Rung for hours, though he had pulled away, telling you that he would love to cuddle after he finished setting up his side of the room.

Wait, his side of the room? He had chuckled softly when your eyes flew up, happiness beaming from you like rays of sunshine. This was perfect for the both of you, you were sure. And he was sure as well, since he had been the one to ask Rodimus and Magnus for permission.

"I'm so glad that you're moving in here! It's amazing, fantastic. All of those good words." You had walked over to the edge of the platform Brainstorm had made into your home. "I'm glad that you want me here." 

Rung had put you onto his berth once he had been done decorating, laying down beside you. "Are you kidding? I would always love to have you by my side." You had hugged his chest close when you laid on top of him.

"I love you, and you should always know that. And I would never want to leave your side." You smiled as you kept telling him your love for him. "I had been told about your day when I had been shot. How you stayed with me whenever you were allowed to. Even your few attempts at escaping through different vents."

You smiled softly, happy that he appreciated your efforts of seeing him, even if they had been futile. "I'll do anything to stay with you." You leaned down and caught his lips with yours before he could responce.

The kiss had been long and kind. Like the many other kisses the two of you shared on a daily basis. You laid down on his chest once again. "Tell me a story please." You smiled as you looked into his glasses with pleading eyes. 

He first seemed surprised before another smile adorned his face. "Alright, but then you have to stay still for the night, alright?" You nodded you head, settling down, one ear to his spark chamber and the other to him.

He took off his glasses and placed them on the berth table before beginning his story. The two of you layed like that for hours, sharing stories, before the both of you fell asleep, both with smiles shining brightly on your lips.

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