News clips

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Summary: Blaster finally got his servos on something human, so he decides to show you and some of the other Lost Lighters, it didn't go as planned though.

Warnings: Talk of death, angst


You cheered after Blaster had told you, that now, the Lost Light would be able to get enough contact with Earth to watch some of it's news. Which, may not sound like a lot but considering that the week before, no one even knew how far away from the Earth they were.

And, who knew, perhaps this would mean that you would be able to make contact with all of your friends back on earth. You sat on the bar table as Blaster was fiddling with the television in the bar, since some of the other Cybertronians wanted to see the human news. Mostly Swerve and Rewind, though Chromedome, Tailgate, Cyclonus, Rodimus and Rung was also there.

You didn't mind them being there as they were all your friends, with many others on the ship. They had become your family after they had taken you in. You had been in a bit of an accident back on Earth with the whole quantum jumping thing, since the humans wanted to see if they could do it as well.

And you had been an astronaut, in training, so you were the most expendable out of all the other astronauts, which yes, sounds very bad, but you didn't mind as you got to go to space. It was intended for you to arrive at a space station circling Mars, but instead you appeared far, far away, drifting in space.

You enough oxygen to be there for about two hours, which was enough for the Lost Light to find you and take in your pod. When you had explained your situation, Rodimus had been more than excited to take you in as another crewmember.

Ultra Magnus wasn't against it, since he was guilty of having humans on one of his own ships in the past, but he wasn't with it either, as he knew that the adventures, that the Lost Light went on was extremely dangerous, and could be fatal for your small squishy body.

Megatron was the one that was completely against it. Not because he didn't like you, he tried to work against his hate for organics, but he didn't want you to get hurt, as that was the complete opposite of what he was trying to change about himself.

He had warmed up to your presence now, the two of you talking about literature a lot, though, you were just friends. You lost your train of thought as Blaster talked to you.

"There we go, all ready. I'll get the clips that I got my servos on." The clips was a bit old, but they would do. It could give you a small reminder that Earth was still there.

Blaster put on the first clip, the news lady popping up on the screen, talking about some bland things, like the election, some new school taking in a different way of teaching and even a bit of lines towards some missing people.

"I don't hope that you get the missing people thing in your news a lot." You turned to look at Swerve as you chuckled slightly, shaking your head. "They aren't too frequent. It's mostly one missing person every few weeks, sometimes a murder and such. But that's mostly because it's something that'll get people to listen. They're quite far apart most of the time, the murders that is."

Swerve shrugged his shoulders as Cybertron wasn't too much better. When the first clip ended Blaster put on the second one. There was only three but it was enough.

When the second started, it was mostly about world hunger being dealt with, there was also a small bit about the incident that happened with you, they even talked a bit about you, missing. It made you slightly happy that they cared enough to at least make it public that you were gone, so that your family at least would know.

And then she began talking about a tension between two countries getting worse. You didn't sweat it too much as it had happened before, and nothing bad came from it.

No one said anything said anything this time as they wanted to watch the last clip, which Blaster put in immediately. The news place was in chaos as the news anchor talked about how the tension finally broke and the first bomb had landed, the next few hundred already on the way.

She told about how everyone should head to the nearest bunker, as no place would be safer. The last thing shown was a video from the space station orbiting earth, large explosion could be seen over the mainland, the whole world getting covered in radiation.

The clip ended quickly as Blaster pulled it out, knowing that it was probably not a good idea to show it to you. Everyone was in shock, looking at the, now black, screen in horror.

Everyone except for you and Rung. You were looking into your lap, tears falling in plentiful as a sob racked through your body. And Rung was looking at you with concern, as he knew that these news would not be good on your already bad mental health.

They all turned to you, looking at you with pity, as they heard your sobs. "Well, a good thing that you weren't on Earth, huh?" Rung shook his head at Rodimus after he had tried to lighten the mood. You thanked him mentally as you knew he only tried to cheer you up, but it wasn't what you need at the moment.

You pulled your knees up to your chest as you began thinking about your friends and family, mourning them as it was the highest chance that they were gone, with the rest of Earth.

All the bots in the bar surrounded you, giving you a group hug, the gentlest way they could. You turned and hugged the nearest 'bot, which was Rewind. He hugged you back, before picking you up. "I'll take them back to their habsuite." The others nodded, as Rung decided to follow, just to make sure that you would be okay, once you got to your room.

You calmed down a bit, as your crying stopped. You felt exhausted all of sudden, all of the happy energy from before, now gone. Those clips were useless now, as there would never be a chance for you to go back to Earth, or to even contact your friends.

You three were stopped by Megatron on your way to your room. "I need to speak with the human about Earth." Rung shook his helm, quickly as he walked over to Megatron, taking him to the side, explaining what had happened.

Rewind hurried away, to your habsuite, where he opened the door and laid you on your bed, before sitting down beside your bed. He covered you with your blanket. You took his servo as he began getting up. "Can you stay a bit? Perhaps we can watch a movie?"

You knew that it wasn't a good idea, but it was the only thing you could think about, as you needed something to remind you of Earth, before it was gone. Rewind nodded his helm as he sat back down. "Sure, which one?"

::: Two months later :::

You had learned that a few others were affected of Earth's demise as well, but a good thing was that you had all learned that some of the Cybertronians who had been stationed on Earth had been able to save a small handful of humans.

And even better was that one of your friends had been on that ship that belonged to the Cybertronians. Your friend had been your saving grace, as you had gotten in contact, both of you so happy that the other one was alive.

Your life hadn't been the same ever since, as your original goal had been to return to Earth, but now that wasn't possible. So the Lost Light had decided to take you in as a full time crew member, which made you part of the 'family'.

Even after the Lost Lights adventure, you had gotten with them to Cybertron, and even to the other dimension, with the Lost Light, scavengers and many others that they had picked up on the way.

It wasn't your original plan, but it worked for you.

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