TFA!Swindle x female!reader

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Y/N smirked widely as she sat on her lover's shoulder. "So this is the Megatron you have been talking about," She said and looked at the screen, her voice a little muffled from the mechanical mouthguard she was wearing. 

"Why do you have a vermin on your shoulder, Swindle?" The warlord asked in a threatening voice. "This is Y/N, my partner in crime and love. She helps me get information from the humans and she is small enough to get into crevices that I cannot." 

The warlord narrowed his eyes but seemed satisfied enough by the answer. Swindle gave his usual smile as he put down Y/N on the ground. She smiled back before making her way over to the device. She took the timepiece they had gotten and put it in the machine. 

"Now, Y/N." The girl nodded and turned on the device, sending a beam out towards the city streets. It hit many different machines, turning them off instantly. Even the Autobots stopped in their tracks. But of course, a force field surrounded them both, making sure that they didn't get hit.

Swindle cheered and turned back to the warlord, explaining what the machine did. Y/N stood proud as she looked at her work. Tough their little happy time soon got interrupted by a weird rainbow beam hitting Swindle in the back of the head.

Y/N looked over and hid behind some of the equipment from the machine as the villain gang that helped them before came back to attack them. "Now where's the off switch on this thing." A little girl asked cockily. "Oh right, here." She went to put in her key but got tackled to the ground by Y/N.

"No way, am I letting you ruin a good deal." She hissed as she pushed the girl away. The girl looked at her with a shocked expression. "You're working with the Decepticon?" She asked, not being able to believe the sight in front of her.

"What if I am?" The girl shook her head with an angry expression. "But you're a human! Don't you care for everyone like you?" Y/N shook her head. "I lost my care for humans long ago." She stepped back as she noticed Swindle getting pushed off the rooftop. 

The 'bot walked over to Y/N and the girl, keeping an eye on Y/N as the girl walked over to the machine and shut it down. The 'bot went for the timepiece, though the villain gang began fighting with the 'bot over the piece. 

Y/N ran over and snatched the piece before running over to the edge. She looked down and called out for Swindle. He looked up at her as she threw the piece to him before the others could get it. He held it and nodded before turning to the oncoming Autobots. 

They transformed and got ready to battle. Though the battle never happened since the yellow Autobot jumped in front of Swindle when he activated the piece. The forcefield around the 'bot made the beam reflect and hit Swindle.

"Damnit." Y/N stood up and turned around before running away. She looked back one last time, seeing the villain gang captured and her lover being towed away. She heard the yellow Autobot yelling about her but she never got chased by anyone.

*Time skip*

Y/N groaned in disdain as she was getting bored. Again. She had been stuck in this space ship for almost a year, flying around, trying to find her lover. She knew he was on Cybertron, his home planet since he called her once telling her about it. 

The ship was one he had left behind. Their old home before he had been captured. She had fixed it up and taken off, with a buttload of food and water of course. Her body snapped into an upright position as she heard some beeping.

 She stood up and walked over to the control panel. Right there, outside of the window that was currently keeping the oxygen she needed to breathe inside, was the planet called Cybertron. She cheered a lot before she set course to the planet. 

She landed in some abandoned wasteland not far from the city. She hid the ship and put on her mouthguard before walking out. She walked around for a bit in the city, keeping to the crevises before she found the prison.

She snuck her way inside since the minicons were just the right size. She snuck behind a minicon that was currently alone. When it looked away she snatched its tablet before sneaking away. She sniggered softly before looking the tablet through, finding the on and off on the forcefields. 

She found Swindle's cell since he had taught her a bit of cybertronian. She crept up to her lover's cell and waved at him when she was right in front of it. She turned off the force field and let him out. 

"Ah, perfect. Thank you, my little lover." Y/N smirked as he put her on his shoulder. "So you can open every single one of these cells. "Yup." They both smirked evilly when they saw a minicon that had noticed them.

"Let's open them all." Y/N nodded and opened every single cell. Even Megatrons. Swindle made his way over to the warlord. "Y/N and I are here to rescue you." Megatron nodded and told them to lead the way.

Y/N, Swindle, Megatron, Lugnut and Blitzwing all made their way to the two swindlers ship. They all got in and Y/N turned on the ship and steered it away from the planet, going unnoticed by anyone. 

Swindle walked over to her and leaned down so they could see each other better. "Good job, my little flower." Y/N chuckled softly by stopped smiling when Megatron himself walked over to them. Swindle stepped aside so Megatron could talk to them both if he so wished. 

"Yes, good job..." Y/N perked up. "Y/N. My name is Y/N." Megatron nodded. "Good job, Y/N. You have my gratitude." Y/N smiled and nodded. "Consider it a gift, Lord Megatron." The warlord seemed pleased as he went off to his assigned berth room.

"Incredible. You're really good at this. I was right to choose you as my partner." Swindle said and picked her up. He walked to their shared berth room, where he laid down on his berth. He kept her close to his faceplate looking at her with loving eyes. 

"I love you Swindle." "I love you too, Y/N"

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