My whole world in my hands (Headcanons)

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TFP Starscream

- It had been a rough day for Starscream, as nothing had gone right. He had been overseeing one of the energon excavation sites, when Optimus and his ragtag team had attacked, trying to get some energon.

- Starscream had gotten hurt in the battle. Nothing too major, but it was an annoyance. So his mood wasn't that great when he arrived at your shared habsuite.

- Now, no one really understood why you had decided to get together with Starscream, or how he even fell for a human. It was mostly because you had helped him at a time when he had been kind of exiled from the Decepticons.

- It wasn't really an exile, it was mostly because Megatron had wanted Starscream off the ship for a while as he gotten extremely annoying. And while not on the ship, Starscream had been encountered by the Autobots, and they had attacked.

- That's when you had taken him in, helping him get back on his feet. And even though he was screeching and cursing you out, you still helped him. That's when he had decided to take you with him. Megatron wasn't too fond of the decision but he didn't voice it, as he was getting tired of Starscream's antics, and as long as that you were confined to Starscream's room, he would tolerate you.

- You looked up from the book that you were reading as you heard Starscream enter the room, his red optics looking around the room, probably searching for you.

- When his gaze landed on you, he strided over, picking you up and placing you in his lap. You put your book down, looking up at him. "Hey Starscream?" He raised a brow ridge, motioning for you to keep going.

- "I've learned a new trick. Wanna see it?" "I'm already in a bad mood, so it better be good." You nodded your head. "I can hold my whole world in my hands. And I promise that you'll like the trick."

- He narrowed his optics as it was impossible for your small soft hands to hold something so big. He leaned down, a cocky smirk on his derma. "Oh really? Show me, I'm really interested." He had a slightly sarcastic tone, though you weren't sure whether he was irritated or enjoying this, as he thought you would fail.

- He wasn't expecting you to reach out your hands, holding his cheeks in your slightly cupped hands. "There. My whole world in my hands." He widened his optics as he leaned his forehead down on yours, holding you close.

- Lets just say, that his day was greatly improved by your little trick.

TFP Bumblebee

- You and Bumblebee were both in his room, chilling, as Optimus had given you permission to. He knew the bond that the two of you shared, and he knew that it was more romantic than what he had with Raf.

- So you were laying on his chest, his spark humming softly into your ear. Bumblebee was running his digits through your hair, being careful as to not accidentally hurt you.

- You looked up at him after a while, a soft look on in your eyes, as you gazed at him in adoration. He gazed back, a smile in his optics, as he sat up, letting you fall into his servo.

- "Hey Bee?" The yellow 'bot looked down at you, beeping softly. "Wanna see a trick?" He nodded his helm, beeping excitedly. He always liked your tricks. "I can hold my whole world in my hands."

- The beep that he made, was clearly a scoff, and an invite to prove it. He leaned down, closer to you as he had a slightly mischievous look on his face, ready to see your trick.

- You surprised him greatly when you reached up your hands, holding his helm. "There, my whole world." You smiled brightly, as he widened his optics. He stared at you without moving for a while.

- That was until he raised you up, snuggling his helm against your head, beeping out an, "I love you." You reached out your arms, hugging his helm. "I love you too, Bee."

TFP Wheelkjack

- Wheeljack had taken you with him in his ship, as he didn't want to leave you behind. It was also your own choice, as Wheeljack had asked you back at the base.

- It had been some while ago already. You and Wheeljack had known each other for some time already, as you sometimes met each other even before you knew of the other 'bots.

- You both had gotten a strong bond, quickly, though you were sad that you didn't get to see him often since he didn't like staying at the base. So you were at the base a lot, hoping that he would come back.

- One particular time that he had come back, mostly to spend time with you, you had decided that you wanted to come with him. "Wheeljack! Wait!" He was already walking to his ship, ready to take off.

- He turned and kneeled, so that he could talk to you more easily. "What is it sweetspark?" You jumped onto his servo as he held it out to you. "I wanna come with you!"

- He seemed a bit taken aback, before thinking over the thought. "Are you sure? Do you really wanna leave your whole world behind to be with me?" You smiled softly as you reached up your hands, holding his helm softly.

- "I won't be leaving my world behind. I already have it in my hands." He smiled the softest smile you had ever seen him make. "Alright then. Let's go." His smile turned to smirk as he entered his ship.

- "By the way sweetspark." You looked up at him as he placed you on the console. "That was pretty smooth." He winked as he placed himself in his seat, ready to get the both of you on an adventure.

TFP Ratchet

- "C'mon Ratchet. You have to go rest as well." Ratchet didn't look at you as he kept his gaze on the monitors. Every other 'bot had already gone to their rooms to recharge. It was late, almost 3 am.

- "I'll be fine. You just go rest." You crossed your arms over your chest as you sighed heavily. "You haven't even rested for a whole two weeks. You're going to destroy yourself if you keep this up."

- Ratchet still didn't look at you, which made you slightly agitated. "Alright, how about a bet. If I can win the bet, you go rest with me. If I lose, you can stay up and I won't bother you anymore."

- Ratchet glanced at you, slightly interested. "Depends on what the bet is." "I can hold my whole world in my hands. If I can prove it, you come with me." He finally turned you, wanting this thing over with so that he could go back to his work.

- It was an impossible bet for you to win, so he thought that he might as well humor you, just this once, before returning to his work, no distractions this time. "Alright, fine."

- You held out your hand. "I want us to shake on it, so no turning back for either of us." He took your hand with his servo, shaking it softly, before leaning in close. "Now, let's get this bet over with."

- You reached out your hands quickly, cupping his helm in between them. "There, my whole world." Ratchet widened his optics, as you radiated with confidence.

- He chuckled softly as he picked you up. "Alright, that was smooth. I'll come rest with you." You smiled softly, sitting comfortably in his servo. He moved to his room, where the both of you could get a good night's sleep.

- The next day, everyone was puzzled over why Ratchet wasn't at the monitors, doing his work. When Optimus saw your bag on the console, he smiled softly, happy that you had gotten his old friend to rest, for once.

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