Part 1

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I knock on the door of the Potter’s residence. The wind blowing through my hair, the night air biting at my nose, the sounds of crickets echo throughout the night. I look up at Sirius as we await the answering of the door. Sirius smiles down at me. His beautiful grey eyes shining in the moonlight. 

The door opens to Remus, who was showing a big smile. He ushers us into the house. Lily and James sit on the couch talking to Peter. Lily stands up to great me with a warm hug.

“I’m so glad you both could make it,” she says, pulling out of the hug.

“Miss the big night before Halloween?” I ask. “Ridiculous.”

I walk over to sit on a chair opposite of Peter. He looks a little nervous, but that could be because he always was jumpy. James and him still talking, this time the subject made its way over to Harry.

“Speaking of,” Sirius joins in, “where is my godson?”

James stands up and walks upstairs. A moment later he returns with Harry in his arms.

“James Potter,” Lily says, “I finally got him to sleep.”

“But Sirius wants to say hello,” James says defensively.

I hold back my laugh. At least I don’t have to stick around long enough to put Harry back to bed, though he is still so adorable. He has his mother's eyes, and I bet he also will have her sass when he is older. He already is showing small signs of this sass.

Sirius walks over to James and takes Harry from his arms. Harry lets out an excited sound. I walk over to Sirius, holding my left hand out for Harry to grab onto.

“What are you all dressing up as for Halloween?” James asks.

“Nothing,” Remus says.

Of course he isn’t dressing up as anything. Probably busy hiding away from people and such things. Or snuggling up by a fireplace reading some ridiculous spellbook.

“Well I’ll go as a witch,” I say matter of factly.

“You’re already a witch,” Peter says.

“Then all I need is some stereotypical costume,” I say.

Harry starts to fuss in Sirius’s arms. Sirius slowly moves from one foot to the other trying to get him to calm down, though it wasn’t working. If anything it was making it worse. I take Harry from Sirius and his fussing stops.

“That’s not fair,” Sirius complains.

“What?” Lily says. “That Harry wants his godmother and not you?”

“But I’m amazing,” Sirius says.

“And I’m not?” I ask, shocked.

Sirius looks at me, his eyes going soft and warm. “You,” he says, a smile forming on his lips. “Are perfect.”

I look away blushing. It’s not fair that he does these things to me. He always has, goes as far back to our days at Hogwarts. He could get me to loosen up with just one look. Make me feel better by how stupid he could be sometimes.

“Well,” Lily says, “let’s eat!”

After dinner we talk for a little longer. Peter was jumpy all night. He would hear the smallest of noises and jump. It got annoying real fast, but he is our friend and we need to stick together.

“I got to go,” Peter said at ten o’clock. “I have a busy morning tomorrow.”

“Glad you could make it,” she said, showing him to the door.

The rest of us talked for a little longer before Remus decided it was time for him to leave too. Soon it was just us five, although Harry was asleep in Lily’s arms, so really it was only us four.

“I love that little man,” I said, looking at a sleeping Harry.

“He is lucky to have you both in his life,” James says. “To always protect him when we aren’t there.”

“Well of course,” Sirius said. “We think of Harry like our son.”

“We will always protect him,” I say.

We stayed a couple more minutes before we decided that it was time to leave. We say our goodbyes before we Apparate back to our house. I turn the kitchen light on to give us some light. Kreacher walks into the room shortly after.

“What are you doing here?” Sirius demands Kreacher.

“Kreacher is doing cleaning as Master Black has commanded,” he says.

Sirius turns to me, an annoyed expression on his face. He hates that house elf, which is fine, he is entitled to his own opinion over the elf. But I just didn’t want to clean the house. I rather go to Lily and James and come home to a clean house then one that has dishes and mud from Sirius all over.

I shrug my shoulders and move upstairs. I can hear Sirius yelling at Kreacher to return to 12 Grimmauld Place. I hope he isn’t too upset with me about having Kreacher come clean. If he hates the elf so much why doesn’t he just let him go? Then he won’t have to deal with him anymore.

“Lottie,” he says behind me. I turn around and stare at him. “Next time warn me. That way I don’t think he is stalking me.”

“Kreacher?” I ask with a scoff. “Stalking you? I’d run if I was him, but he can’t.”

“You love me!” he says defensively.
“More than you know,” I say.

I grab his hand and pull him into the bedroom. I’m tired and would actually like to fall asleep at a decent time.

I pull back the covers of our bed, not worrying about changing out of my day clothes. Sirius slides into the side next to me, warming up the bed with just his presence. I lay down and close my eyes. Before I know it I fall into a deep sleep.

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