Part 26

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I walk into the school, everything is deserted considering the school year hasn't started yet. It's strange being back at school after everything that happened. There are so many memories in the walls of this school, that looking back on will hurt my soul.

I make my way towards Dumbledore's office, hoping that he is in there. Don't know where else he will be, so I'm hoping he is there.

The Gargoyle stares at me, waiting for me to say the password. I know that he has this thing about using sweets as passwords, but there are multiple sweets that could work.

"Acid pops," I tried, hoping that was it.

The Gargoyle did not move. I look around the hallway. Maybe McGonagall will be walking down the hallway and see me, then she will let me into the office. Yet, there was no one walking down the corridors.

"Sherbet Lemon?" I question. The Gargoyle still doesn't work.

"Stubborn thing isn't it?" A voice calls behind me.

I jump, turning towards the voice. Dumbledore walks down the hallway wearing a light color of blue robes. His hands by his waist.

"So, you're saying that's the password?" I said.

"Close enough," Dumbledore said. "I have to change the password, so thank you for giving me one."

I nod my head while Dumbledore moves his hand in front of the Gargoyle. It slowly shifts into a large staircase. Dumbledore walks up to them, motioning me to follow.
We walk into his office, he goes to sit in his chair while I sit in an adjacent one.

"What can I do for you?" He asks after a moment.

This was the moment. This was where Dumbledore should give me an answer. Why did he send Harry to live with those awful Muggles when I was fully capable of raising him. Just like how Lily and James wanted.

"Why did you give Harry to the Dursleys?" I ask.

Dumbledore brings a finger to his lip in a motion of thinking. I know he already has the answer, he just wants to be triple sure.

"There are reasons for my madness," he says after a moment.

"Have you actually met them?" I ask him. "They are awful!"

"Mrs. Black," Dumbledore says. "When Voldemort died, Lily sacrificed herself for Harry."

"How does this have anything to do with sending him to the Muggles?" I snap. I just want a solid answer. For once in his life, can he just give me a solid answer?

"The maternal connection that Mrs. Dursley has to Harry," Dumbledore starts, "is the reason he must stay with them."

"What?" I ask. That made no sense.

"A blood bond is what is keeping him protected," he says. "No one knows where Voldemort went-"

"He is dead," I said.

Dumbledore gives me a stern gaze. You would think he is used to me interrupting him, but I guess he still doesn't enjoy it.

"If Voldemort should ever come back," Dumbledore states, "Harry is safe with his aunt because of the blood bond charm. If Harry was to live with you, Voldemort would hunt him down and kill him."

I stare at the floor. I guess that makes sense. Since Lily sacrificed herself, and from my knowledge, sacrificial charms are the strongest charm ever.

Therefore making blood become the strongest contributor of protection. Even though Voldemort is dead, there could still be people out there who would want to harm Harry.

"I know you are his godmother," Dumbledore starts up again. "But this was the only way."

I abruptly stood. I know that, but I still hate the idea. We all were supposed to be a family, and now everything is falling apart.

"Layla," Dumbledore says. "Try not to think too heavily on things we can't change. It doesn't help to dwell on the past."

I nod my head and thank him for his time. Didn't really help with my issues but as always, it left me with more questions. I'll still visit Harry, just not while his annoying blood relatives are around. I won't let him forget who I am, and let his relatives stomp out the happiness of his.

I walk down the stairs, passing the Gargoyle before it hides the stairs once again. I walk down the hallway, trying not to remember anything.

"Layla!" A familiar voice calls out. I look around the hallway, nothing is there. Only I stand in the hallway.

"Layla," it says again, this time closer to my ear. That's when I realize the voice belongs to Marlene.

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