Part 46

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I burst through a bordered up fireplace. I sit up, brushing off the broken wood pieces. I look around the room, everything is covered with a thin line of dust. Looks like no one has really lived in this place for a couple months.

I stand up, walking around the room to see if I can find any type of sign as to why there is so much dust.

I get over to the door, the dust in this corner has been disrupted recently so maybe whoever did this is still here?

Before I could react to literally anything, the door slams open and I'm getting pushed against the wall. A wand gets pressed into the soft part of my neck.

"How did you find me?!" An old man yells in my face.

"Alyce Carter," I say calmly. The presser on the wand slowly loosens. "Are you Ronald Blake?"

"How do you know who I am?" He asks. "Kelsie send you?" He presses his wand into my neck harder.

"No," I say, "though I do have some questions about her."

He wasn't letting go, he just kept staring deep into my soul. I slowly feel for my wand. He had no idea what I was doing. I point the end of the wand at his lower stomach.

Petrificus Totalus

Ronald goes stiff and falls backwards. His wand goes flying out of his hand, rolling even farther away.

I swiftly grab his arms and pull him out the room, he is a lot heavier than I thought he was going to be. We made it into his sitting room, a sofa and chair were the only furniture used.

I drag Ronald onto the couch, take my wand out again and use the Incarcerous spell to make sure he isn't going to try to attack me again.

"Finite incantatem," I say. The Petrificus Totalus charm wears off.

"What do you want?" He says coldly. "You gonna kill me?"

"No," I state, "I just want you to answer some questions."

"Like what?" He asks.

"What was the thing Kelsie had to do for Voldemort?" I ask.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"The big plan that Voldemort was planning that Kelsie was involved with, before she killed Ann."

Ronald looks down at his hands. It was a simple question. I know I brought up his late wife, but just answer the question.

"Something about an initiation," he finally answered. "Some man, think his name was Phil or something, had to prove his loyalty to Voldemort and Kelsie was on watch duty."

Phil? I never heard of a death eater named Phil.

"Do you know anything about a Peter Pettigrew?" I ask him.

Something clicked in his head, the wheels spinning inside his head were visible in his eyes.

"He's the one who needed the initiation," Ronald answered.

My heart started to sped up, what exactly did Peter do to prove his loyalty?

"What was the job?" I asked regretfully.

"Had to kill a family," Ronald said. "Name started with a 'M''."

I run through my brain, trying to think of anybody Voldemort wanted dead with the last name that starts with M, but the only name that I could come up with was the McKinnon's.

"Was the name McKinnon?" I ask.

"Yes," he answered.

I stop breathing. Peter killed the McKinnon's? He played part in their death! Marlene was kind to him, even when others weren't.

I stand up, making my way out of Ronald's house. He calls after me but I ignore him. He can figure out how to get out of the Incarcerous spell on his own.

I shut the door behind me. Everything about my life is collapsing all at once. I tried to hold in my tears, but they all came out at once.

Dear Sirius...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon