Part 7

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A/N: The Floo Network doesn't completely work like how I’m using it. Please just go along with it, it's to help keep the story flow in a quick manner
Enjoy ;)

I wake up to the strong urge to throw up. I run to the bathroom before I could throw up any other place. For the past couple days this has been happening a lot more often. I would say because I'm stressed with the stuff going on with Sirius, but it happened before he was taken from me.

I wash my mouth out with some water, trying to get the acidic taste from my mouth.

I look at the grandfather clock in the hallway before I get ready for the day. I really slept in until noon.

I make my way to my closet, trying to find some shirt that will help flatten my stomach and make me look like I'm somewhat alive. If I want to get everything the Ministry has on Sirius I'm going to need to look as professional as possible.

I walked down towards our sitting room and grabbed some Floo powder once I was fully dressed. I crouch down in order to get into the fireplace. I hold out my hand.

"Ministry of Magic," I say dropping the powder.

The world around me starts to shift and turn. I keep my arms down to my sides, making sure that there isn't a chance of me getting splinched.

A moment later the Ministry walls come into view. I walk out the fireplace to give the next person room to Floo. The place was crowded, I pushed my way through a couple groups. Seems like everyone is in a rush, can't imagine why, Voldemort is dead.

I find myself in the elevator. I click the level five, hoping what I'm looking for is in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. The elevator moves forward and I almost fall into the person in front of me.

Couple seconds later the elevator stops on the fifth floor. I walk out the elevator, looking around for the International Magical Office of Law.
Hundreds of people still wander around up here.

I walked around the floor until I came to a door. I knock and wait for a response. The door opens wide, a tall grumpy old man stares down at me.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Uh -" I say, taking a small step backwards. "I was wondering if I could get anything in Sirius Black's case?"

The old man just stares at me before retreating back into the room. I take that as an invitation inside, so I walk in. Hundreds of filing cabinets line the walls. It's pretty well maintained for how many papers could possibly be in this room.

"Isn't Sirius Black the one who killed Peter Pettigrew," the man said in a horse voice. "And sold Lily and James Potter out to Voldemort?"

My heart stops. He is always going to be seen as the villain isn't he? I see no point in trying to argue with anyone, once I prove he was falsely accused, then everyone will wish they listened.

"Do you have the files or not?" I ask.

"Why do you want them?" The man asks. When he sees that I'm not going to answer the question he lets out a sigh. "No such files by the name Black has ever crossed this desk."

I nod my head as a means of thanks. If the files weren't here, where else would they be?

I walk out of the room, making sure to close the door behind me. People are still moving around in a hurry. I move back to the elevator.

If the files are in the Law Offices, then maybe it's in the Department of Mysteries? Maybe they don't want people looking too deep into Sirius's case?

I walk into the elevator, pressing the button for level nine. The elevator starts to move. It stops a couple times, people walk in then walk out. By the time I get to the ninth floor, I'm the only one left in the elevator.

I step out. This floor is the most empty floor I have seen this whole day. I walk down the long hallways, multiple turns form longer hallways. My eye catches a door that says Confidential Records.

I looked around the area, for anyone who could see me sneak into the room. I tried the handle but it didn't open. Of course that would be too easy. I pull out my wand and clear my throat.

"Alohomora," I said. The door pops open.

I rush inside and close the door behind me. The room was pitch black. Every small noise is echoing through the room.

"Lumos," I said. A light appears at the top of my wand. Tons of shelves go on for my eye to see.

I went towards the aisle that was labeled B. The records go on forever. Glad the next letter in our name is L. I looked through the records, most of them weren't even close to the name Black. When I think that I found the name, a couple letters were out of place. Finally I found a file that said Sirius Orion Black. My file was right next to his, probably moved after we got married.

I quickly opened the recond. Only one page of records. Some of it looks like it was tampered with.

Sirius Orion Black
Parents: Walburga Black (Deceased) and Orion Black (Deceased)
Sibling(s): Regulus Black (Deceased) Remus Lupin (Brother In-Law)
Relationship status: Married to Layla Hope Black
Child(ren): Pending
Other: Life in Azkaban. Death Eater.

My eyes stop at the last two words. Sirius is not a death eater. There is no proof that he was helping Voldemort. I never saw anything that could've possibly made him a death eater.

A loud sound echoes through the room. I'm not sure where it came from but I know it's not something good. I stuff Sirius's record into my jacket and turn to leave before stopping. I can't take his record, people will notice and it would be linked to me.

I turn around and grab some random files. Not only from where I took Sirius's but also from the shelves across the way. Once my jacket was full to the point I could still walk out of here without being noticed, I hurried out of the records room.

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