Part 13

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    I stayed up all night shifting through the files. Not once did I see something even remotely linked to Sirius’s case. So then I tried to see if we have some sort of family link, but didn’t find anything. Though Alyce’s name does sound very familiar. I feel like I’ve heard someone say it at some point, but can’t for the life of me figure it out.

    A tap on the window picks me out of my thoughts. I look up and see an owl waiting for an entry point, a letter in its claw. I put down the documents that I was holding and opened the window. The owl flies in. I put a Sickle in the owl's pouch. I grab the letter and the owl flies out.

    I opened the letter.

    Dear Layla,

    I haven’t heard anything from you in months. I do hope everything is alright, especially after what my cousin did. If you can, I would love to see you sometime. Please write to me. I’m worried.

    Andromeda Tonks

    I put the letter down by the other documents. I really don’t have anything better to do. I have been meaning to talk to her, we have much to discuss. I’m going to need all the help that I can get. Plus getting away from the insanity of these papers would be very beneficial for my eyes.

    I shake my head and walk towards the sitting room. I grab some Floo powder, duck into the fireplace, and hold out my hand.

    “Tonks residence!” I say, dropping the powder.

    Green smoke envelopes me. I keep my hands to my side waiting for the house to come into view. Wasn’t long before I popped up in their fireplace. Nymphadora sits down reading a small book. She looks up at me with great big eyes.

    “Sorry,” I said, dusting myself off. “Is Andromeda around?”

    “Kitchen,” Nymphadora said.

    As I walk past her, I pat her head. She gives me a smile while also knitting her brows. It’s been perhaps a year since the last time I saw her. Sirius and I never visit any of his family, but sometimes Andromeda won’t take no for an answer.

    I walk into the kitchen, Andromeda looks up at me. A smile appeared on her lips.

    “You got my letter!” she said walking over to me. Her arms wrap around me, I follow through with the small act. “Please sit down, you must rest after using the Floo network.”

    I refrain from rolling my eyes. I pull out a chair and sit down. Couldn’t have been more than ten seconds later before she was putting a tea cup into my hands. I take it gladly, not wanting to hurt her feelings for being so accommodating.

    “I really don’t mean to oppose,” I say.

    “Nonsense,” she says, waving me off. “You’re family, even after what Sirius has done.”

    She whispers the last part, probably not intended for me to hear that part. I’m sure she didn’t mean anything by it though.

    “Have you thought of names?” she asked me.

    I look towards the sitting room, ignoring the question. It’s strange seeing a house with so many lights and pictures all over the place. The what if’s of what my house would have looked like if only life didn’t get in the way.

    “You’ll help me if I ever need it right?” I ask. “Whatever it is?”

    She walks over to me, eyes holding the utmost sincerity inside them. “Of course, Layla,” she said. “I’m not going to give up on you, if that’s what you think.”

    I put my hands on my stomach, putting every ounce of love into my hands. “I might need that sooner than you think,” I say.

    Andromeda nods her head and drops the subject, knowing exactly what I’m talking about.

    I walk back towards the sitting room, looking through the photos on the wall. Pictures of Andromeda on her wedding day, the biggest smile anyone could’ve ever seen. Her and Ted holding a baby Nymphadora. My eyes scan their way over to a whole family picture, slightly a mess as if she put it together on her own.

    Rows and rows of people, all distantly related, all inbred together. Arthur standing by Molly. Other people I can’t recognize, but probably part of the Black side. Then in the very back there was a familiar face.

    “Andromeda,” I call out. She stands in the doorway between the kitchen and sitting room. I point to the women in the back. “Who is this?”

    She walks further into the room and looks at where I’m pointing.

    “Oh that,” she says. “That’s Alyce Peverell. Last in the Peverell line. I believe she married a Muggle man. I haven’t seen her in, what was it, maybe fifteen years.”

    “Was this Muggle man named Alex Carter?” I ask her.

    “I’m not sure,” she says. “Think the last person she ever spoke to was Molly Weasley.”

    It all sort of clicks in my head. That’s why the name is very familiar. I only heard the name once in my life, while we were cleaning out 12 Grimmauld Place. I at least know who to talk to in order to get a small break in the case.

    I pull Andromeda into a hug.

“Thank you,” I say, gratitude lining my voice. “For everything you do for me and Sirius.”

    She gives me a loving smile. I say my goodbyes to Nymphadora before making my way back towards the fireplace. I give them both another smile before grabbing some of her Floo powder.

    “Weasley residence,” I say, dropping the Floo powder.

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