Part 42

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Ten years earlier

"Do you think Sirius is going to ask you out?" Marlene asks on our way to the great hall.

"We've already been out, Marlene," I said. "So he would ask me out again."

"Either way," Lily says, as we all sit down at the tables. "Would you say yes?"

"Of course I would," I said. "I would never say no to him."

We sit down a couple feet away from the boys. James stares at Lily trying to get her attention, which she ignores with a scoff.

Dumbledore claps at his podium, telling everyone that he wishes to speak. The entire hall went silent, waiting for Dumbledore to speak.

"May I remind you," he starts, "that the forbidden forest is forbidden. You may not wander towards the edge to see in, or walk in to talk to the creatures-" he turns to me and the boys- "with this reminder, please enjoy your breakfast."

I look towards the boys, who are hiding their faces from Dumbledore's gaze. Nothing gets by Dumbledore, even if we tried.

After breakfast, everyone slowly pairing off while leaving the Great hall. All the Ravenclaw table was gone, half the Hufflepuff table, most of the Slytherin table, but the Gryffindor table still had a large amount.

"What are you planning on doing today?" Marlene asks Lily.

"I have a paper due tomorrow," she answers. "I only have a couple more pages before it's finished."

I tune them out, staring at the professor table. All of them laughed at the professor next to them. Wonder what they have to talk about? Can't be too entertaining, they are old and teach children for a living.

"Hey Lily," James's voice cuts through my thoughts.

I turn to find the boys standing next to Lily. Lily rolls her eyes but looks at James.

"Let's get a Butterbeer today?" He asked but in more of a statement.

"Can't," Lily said. "I have homework."

"Can't that wait?" He asks.

"No," she said shortly. James's face deflates.

I stand up from the table, wrapping my arm around James.

"Come on," I say, "let's go set some dungbombs."

He nods his head and I lead him out. Peter, Sirius, and Remus follow close behind.

"Why is she so difficult?" James asks me.

"Maybe it's your huge ego," I suggested. He gives me a sharp look and I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm going to the dorm," he said.

I let him go. His shoulders slumped and dragged his feet along the hallway.

"I'll make sure he is okay," Remus said following James.

Peter stares at Sirius and Remus, not knowing who to follow.

"Go with them," Sirius finally said.

Peter scrambles to catch up with the others. Bumped into Remus when he wasn't paying attention. Remus almost fell to the floor by the action.

"So," Sirius said leaning against the wall. "Wanna go for a run in the forest?"

"Aren't we forbidden from entering?" I ask him.

"Maybe in our human form," he said, "but not as animagi."

I give him a small smile. He does have a point with that. No one knows that we are animagi, so it'll be easy to sneak in.

"So what do you say?" He asks. "Wanna go on a animagi Valentine's date?"

I shake my head with a smile. "Lets go before someone hears you say animagi."

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