Part 36

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Six years earlier

"Study with Lily," Slughorn says. "She is practically gifted with potions."

"Yes Professor," I start, "I know she is. She's in my class and I share a dorm room with her."

"Then you should have no issues with the Felix Felicis potion," Slughorn said.

"Well yes, Professor," I said. "But if I don't get the potion down I will fail the class."

"Then I suggest you get to working," Slughorn says going into his office, marking the end of our conversation.

I sigh and pick up my belongings. Why couldn't he just give me a writing assignment? I don’t want to bother Lily with this assignment. She already passed it, so having her help me isn't fair for her.

I walk into the hallway, overthinking my final grade for the class. I seriously don't understand why Slughorn won't just give me a written assignment.

"Just do it," a voice cuts through the empty hallway. Everyone should be in the house common rooms. I at least have an excuse for being out of Gryffindor Tower.

"Fine," a very familiar voice answers.
I poke my head around the corner, enough for them to not notice me but enough that I could see who was talking.

Regulus and Barty Crouch stand in a dark corner.

"How's things with the Gryffindor girl?" Barty asks Regulus.

"I really fancy her Barty," Regulus answers with a smile in his voice.

What Gryffindor girl are they talking about? I don't remember any Gryffindors talking to Slytherins. Even if they were talking they would have to be pureblooded. No Slytherin would be caught dead with a Muggle-born.

"What would your parents do if they found out?" Barty asks.

"Good thing nothing will come from it," Regulus said annoyed.

"But you wish something did?" Barty questions.

"Well yeah, have you seen her? Her carefree personality and sassy attitude."

"I think you just like blondes."

Wait, blonde? Does Regulus fancy Marlene? That's actually super adorable. Granted I'm not sure how he knows about her personality. We don't talk to him or have classes together. I'll have to ask Marlene when I get back to the common room.

"Whatever," Regulus says. "When does the thing have to be done?"

"By next week," Barty answers.

What are they planning? What did Barty get Regulus into? Does Sirius know what Regulus is planning? Is it dangerous?

I lean closer to their conversation, trying to hear any more information as possible when my book bag slips from my grasp. I wince from the sound.

Both heads turn to the source of the noise, no hiding from that one. Barty pulls out his wand and points it to the noise.

I quickly grab all my stuff, making sure nothing is left when I hear them walking towards me.

I get up and leave when Barty sticks his wand to the back of my neck.

"How much did you hear?" He asks.

"Enough to know that Reggie likes Marlene," I answer, turning towards them.

"Don't call me Reggie," Regulus says annoyed.

"I think you're lying," Barty said, sticking his wand deeper into my neck.

I roll my eyes. "If I knew what you were doing, would I still be here?" I ask.

"Come on Barty," Regulus said, turning to leave.

Barty stared into my eyes for a moment longer. Both us challenge the other, until finally Barty breaks eye contact.

They both set off down the hallway but I can't get this strange feeling to leave. It's like my gut wants me to stop Regulus from doing whatever he is supposed to do.

"Hey Reggie," I called out to him. He stops and turns towards me. "You don't have to prove yourself... I know to you it doesn't matter, but I love you Reggie."

"Don’t call me Reggie," he said trying to hide a sad smile.

With one last look, he walked off and didn't turn back. I hope he knows what he is getting himself into…

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