Part 44

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"Excuse me?" I ask. "Are you talking about Kelsie Ann Blake?"

"You know her?" Alyce asks me.

"More heard of her," I answer. "How she followed Voldemort."

"Yes," Alyce nods her head in agreement. "Her parents didn't give her enough attention when she was younger, and that's what Voldemort fed on. Got her to follow him."

"Did you hear she killed her own mother? Attempted to kill her father, but he escaped."

"Maybe that's why he moved to America."

What did she just say? Ronald Blake lives in America? Why didn't I get Arthur to find that address too?

"You wouldn't happen to know where he lives?" I ask.

"Somewhere in Wyoming," she answered. "I have the address somewhere around here, that is if he didn’t already move onto his next state."

She gets up from her seat, walking over to a small dresser in the corner of the room. She pulls out a stack of note cards, shuffling through them.

Is this it? Could Ronald Blake have the answers I've been searching for? Even if he doesn't have anything about Peter, or even knows who Peter is, it'll help give me a small bit of closure. Give me the sense that I did all I could to clear Sirius’s name.

"Here we are," Alyce said walking back over with a note card in her hand.

She hands it to me. Add address right here. Pinedale, Wyoming on Hendricks St.

"Thank you so much," I say. "This means so much to me."

"I can't imagine losing the love of your life," she said. "That's why me and Alex left England."

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm a pureblood and married a muggle," she said. "Other purebloods that I was close with didn't like that idea. Kelsie being one of them, and you know how she loves to murder anyone she can get her hands on."

"She was going to murder Alex?" I ask. Alyce nods her head, her eyes going distant. Looks like I brought up a bad memory.

She shakes the memory away. 

"I loved our little chat but I must finish my cleaning for the day," she said standing up.

"Of course," I said. "Would you be okay with me using your Floo network? Quickest way to get to Pinedale, Wyoming from here."

"Yes of course," she said. "Though if you could help it, try not to mention me or my family."

"Of course," I said.

She hands me the bowl of floo powder. I grab a handful and get into the fireplace. I thank her one last time before I drop the floo and the air whoosh around me.

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