Part 25

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I knock on the door of 12 Privet Drive. A bed of flowers slowly starting to bloom to the left. The grass is greener than most of the other houses around the neighborhood.

The door opens with a rush, making me move backwards a small bit. A heavy man stands in the doorway, staring down at me with menacing eyes.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm here to see Harry," I say.

"There is no Harry that lives here," he says.

I stare into his eyes. He flickers them back and forth, avoiding my gaze. I know he is lying, they wouldn't give Harry away. Even if they want to, they aren't that horrible.

"I would like to see my godson," I say, this time pushing my way into the house.

Yes I'm breaking and entering, but it's not like they are going to try to stop me. They are Muggles, Harry's aunt knows about magic, so all I have to do is pull out my wand and threaten them.

"Vernon," Petunia calls from the kitchen, "who is it?"

"A mad lady," Vernon calls back.

Petunia walks out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a cloth. She freezes when she sees me. Must remember our last conversation a year ago.

"I'm here to see Harry," I said.

"No," Petunia starts, "you're not even supposed to be here."

I roll my eyes. I can't believe that Lily ever had Petunia as a sister. She is awful, doesn't have a decent bone in her entire body.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Vernon says.

"Not until I see Harry," I say, raising my voice a little. 

A baby crying rings throughout the house. It doesn't sound like it would be Harry's. For I know the way he cries, I'm his godmother. It's my duty to take care of him now that Lily and James can't do it themselves.

"Oh, Dudley," Petunia says running back into the kitchen.

I turn to face Vernon. He gives me a nasty snarl. I stared him down. One flick of my wand and I can give him a pig snout, just one little flick...

"Vernon," Petunia calls nervously from the kitchen.

He peels his eyes away from me and walks into the kitchen. I follow after, I'm already uninvited so it doesn't really matter at this point.

The kitchen was a mess. What looked to be tomato sauce was lining some of the walls where Dudley was sitting. Harry sitting next to him, sauce all over his face. Dudley wipes his sauce covered hands on his face making the mess get worse.

"You see what Harry is doing to this family?" Petunia says turning on me.

"What?" I ask, staring at her in disbelief.

Does she seriously think that Harry would have done this? The evidence is literally all over Dudley and they still have the audacity to blame my sweet godson?

"This isn't the first time he has ruined our house with..." Petunia starts, "all of his wizard nonsense!"

"Oh really?" I say, walking closer to Petunia. "Maybe if you take your eyes of you hideous kid, you would see that Harry didn't do anything wrong"

Vernon and Petunia both gasp and take a small step backwards.

"That's it!" Vernon yells, grabbing onto my arm. "You're out of the house!"

I pull my wand out from my back pocket and point it at Vernon. He backed away in fear, throwing his arms up as an act of surrender.

"Do not touch me," I say strongly.

"You... you can't use magic," Petunia says in fear. "You're in the presence of common people."

"Don't tell me what to do," I say.

"If you use it how will Harry ever see you again?" Petunia asks.

"Silencio," I say, pointing my wand at Petunia. She opens her mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

Vernon looks at her worried. "Fix her now!" He demands.

"Shut up or your next," I say, sticking the end towards his neck.

He moves backwards, putting his hands up once again. I walk over to and pick Harry up, ignoring Petunia's pleas to say something.

"Layla," Harry says excitedly.

"Hey buddy," I say with a smile. "Glad you haven't forgotten about me."

"Home?" He squeaks.

I look into his green eyes. He still doesn't realize that his parents aren't going to come back for him. That's it, I'm taking Harry with me. He can't be raised in this environment. With these people who are awful and hate him.

"We will be leaving now," I say, flicking my wand towards Petunia to have the charm wear off.

"You will not!" Vernon said, reaching towards Harry.

"And why's that?" I ask. "I'm the one with the upper hand here, not you."

"That weird wizard doesn't want Harry living with you," Petunia spits.

"How dare you speak of Dumbledore like that!" I say strongly.

"Why else would he give Harry to us and not you?" She said. "You're mental!"

I stare at her, fire in my eyes. Did she seriously call me mental? How am I mental for wanting my godson to live with me? For getting away from these Muggles, who have no interest in Harry being in the Wizarding world? I can't stand back and watch this happen.

"If you don't believe that we are the better fit for our deranged nephew," Vernon starts. "Then talk to that wizard yourself."

"I will!" I say, softly handing Harry to Petunia.

Vernon helps direct me towards the door. I stare down at my wand, one more charm wouldn't hurt anyone.

Vernon did call Harry deranged and he is far from it. So really I would be doing the world a favor.

I step out of the house and turn around before he could close the door fully. I quickly hold up my wand and a pig snout appears on Vernon's face.

A smirk appears on my face while he freaks out in Petunia, but it was short lived.

I have to talk to Dumbledore. Now.

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