Part 28

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"If it isn't Layla Black," a voice interrupts my freak out moment.

I turn around. Severus comes walking down the hallway. His black cap flowed behind him.

"Hello Snivellus," I mutter.

As he walks closer I notice that he still has his greasy hair. You would think after all this time, he would learn how to take a shower. 

"What brings you here?" He said.

"I didn't know we were friends Snivellus," I say with a fake smile.

Why does Severus always have to be in my business. He did this while we were at school and now? Didn't know he cared this much about me. Kidding, he only wants to find a weakness.

"We aren't," he states.

"Then I'll be on my way." I turn around and start walking down the hallway.

"How's Sirius?" He calls after me.

I stop walking. Ignore him, please ignore him! He is only doing this just to get a rise out of you. This isn't the first time he has done it.

"They should kill him," Severus starts. "Put us all out of the misery of his existence."

He has to be kidding me. If he wants this kind of a fight then I'll give it to him. He never knows when to shut his mouth so many some one should show him how to.

I turn towards him, walking closer so we aren't yelling down the corridors.

"How's Lily?" I ask, hoping she is watching this go down. Severus's face falls. "Oh right... she's dead."

He stares into my eyes. Fire blazing behind them. That got him to shut up, for once in his life. I give him a sarcastic smile and turn to walk away.

"Sectumsempra!" Severus mutters under his breath.

In a blink of an eye, I pull out my wand and the spell bounces off my protection spell.

"Expelliarmus," I said. Severus's wand goes flying through the air.

He tries to go for it, but I intercept him before he could get very far. I push him up towards the wall, my wand under his neck.

"Do you seriously want to duel right now?" I calmly ask. "You know I always won the duels between us, Snivellus..."

He stares me down. He knows that he isn't good with Defense Against The Dark Arts like me. I was top of my class. If it's a duel he wants, then he should get used to the failure.

"Good day, Professor," I said. I drop my wand to my side and walk on.

"I do have one question though," he says before I could get too far. "Can I ask it?"

I turn back to him, a little annoyed with this whole encounter. I just want to get home to see my boys and forget about this conversation.

"What will you do when your... children... turn out to be exactly like their father?" Severus starts. "A murderous traitor."

I snap. I lung for Severus. He didn't have enough time to move before I tackled him to the ground. He pushes on my face to get me to get off him but I bite his hand. He pulls it away and stops fighting me.

I grab his arms and hold them above his head. That way there are no chances that he can attack me again.
I stare deep into his eyes, fire burning inside of me. I could tell by his black eyes that he was terrified.

"It's one thing," I start, "to attack Sirius and occasionally Remus. But my children... don't even THINK about it."

He opens his mouth to say something. I squeeze his wrists tighter and he closes his mouth.

"If my children turn out to be half the person their father is," I say. "Then I'd be grateful. Want to know why?"
Severus just stares at me.

"He is more a man than you'll ever be," I say. "I can see why Lily absolutely hated your guts. You're awful."

A small line of tears rolls into his eyes. I struck a nerve. Good, hope he remembers this conversation next time he wants to bash my husband then children.

"Snivellus," I say, getting closer to his face. "If you ever say anything rude about my children again, or are hurtful to them in ANYWAY, I will kill you. I mean it. I will use the death curse in seconds. Do you understand me?"

He swiftly nods his head. I let go of his hands and get off him. He just stares at me from the ground. I hold out a hand to help him up, but he doesn’t take it. Tears still line his eyes, waiting to fall out.

"Good day," I say again. This time actually leaving.

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