Part 27

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7 Years Earlier

"Seriously, Layla," Marlene laughs. "Flich is going to hang you by your toes!"

I laugh with her, Lily gives both of us a stern look.

"You shouldn't want to get in trouble," Lily says.

"Lighten up Lils," I say, wrapping my arms around her and Marlene. "Flich has to catch me first. Besides, the boys do it too."

I practically feel Lily roll her eyes, but a small smile plays on her lips. She can pretend that she doesn't like to make mischief, but deep inside she loves it.

We walk by Slughorn's classroom. A sweet smell makes its way into the hallway. I look over to Marlene who is drifting towards the door, then I feel Lily moving too.

"What is that?" Marlene asks. "Nothing this good ever comes from this room."

"Could be Amortentia," Lily said. "The love potion."

"Well why would Slughorn be making it?" I ask. Lily shrugs her shoulders.

I take a deep breath, trying to figure out what I smell. Sugar, with a mix of campfire smoke, a small amount of vanilla, and caramel. The smell is very inviting and strong. If I could give a smell a hug, it would be this one.

"Layla!" Marlene calls out. 

I snap out of my thoughts and look at her. There is a small amount of panic in her eyes as she points down the hallway. Flich stands holding his annoying cat, Mrs. Norris. A snarl on his face.

"I got you now," he says.

"Run!" I scream.

We all take off down the hallways. We take a couple twists and turns, hoping that Filch doesn't use any of his secret corridors to catch us. At some point I lose Lily and Marlene. They should hopefully be safe from Flich, since they had no business setting up those stink pellets in his office. He should get a better lock system.

I look behind me to make sure that he isn't following me, all while running around a corner.

Before I could think of something, I ran head first into someone's chest. We both go tumbling down towards the ground.

"Whoa!" Sirius’s voice cuts through the hallway.

I look around the hallway, any sign for Filch or Mrs. Norris. Nothing. It’s just me and Sirius. I look back towards Sirius. A small hint of worry in his eyes.

"You okay?" He asks.

I stand up and hold out my hand to him. He gladly takes it. His beautiful grey eyes stare into mine. I take a deep breath, trying to regain control of my beating heart. But I stop when I smell sugar and vanilla. That's exactly what I smelled by Slughorn's office.

"Layla!" Marlene calls. I look over, Marlene and Lily run towards us.

"I thought you got caught," Lily says, breathless.

"I'm too fast," I say with a smile.

"Running from Filch again?" Sirius asks.

"He caught me setting up some stink pellets in his office again," I say with a smile.

"Did they go off?" He asks.

"Sadly no," I say. "He walked in before they could."

"Maybe if you stopped setting them up," Lily starts, "maybe then Filch wouldn't be chasing you around the school."

I shrug my shoulders. "It's fun," I say.

She rolls her eyes, but Sirius and Marlene just laugh. It's nice to be here with some of my friends. Not everyday that you'll see Lily and Marlene with the boys, mostly because James always ends up ruining it.

"Bet if we find Peter he will find us some Butterbeer," Sirius said, his eyes flicking to me.

"I'm up for it," I say. I look towards Lily and Marlene. "Come with us?"

They both turn to each other. Marlene was the first to fully give in, and had to convince Lily a little more. Sirius had to promise that James wouldn't bother her before she even agreed.

Lily and James need to sort out their issues. Since I hang out with both groups, I'm always kept up on the drama of Lily and James. Though I will say that I don't fully mind it. If Lily won't admit it, she fancy the guy.

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