Part 43

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I find myself in Valentine, Nebraska on North Valentine street. I believe their house number was 1371.

Their house was pretty, a nice yellow color lines the outside of the house while the door was a deep shade of green. The grass was kinda dead, but grass is weird to begin with.

I knock on the door. A familiar woman opens the door. She wipes her hands on an apron.

"Alyce Peverell?" I ask. Her face goes as white as a sheet. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just have some questions."

"Who are you?" She asks.

"My name is Layla Lupin," I say. "I'm trying to find a man who is the reason my husband is in Azkaban."

She looks me up and down. I try to put on my nice smile, though lately it just looks like I'm in pain.

"One hour," she says ushering me into the house.

She takes us to a sitting room. She sits in a chair then motions me to sit on the sofa.

"How do you know who I am?" She asks. "Me and my husband made sure to take my maiden name off everything."

"Andromeda Tonks," I say. Alyce’s tough exterior melts a little. "Also Molly and Arthur Weasley."

"How do you know them?" She asks, still on the fence.

"I knew Molly's brothers and both of them from Hogwarts," I said. "I know they were the last ones to see you."

"You said something about your husband being in Azkaban."

"Yes, my husband Sirius Black -"

"- Black? They are loyal death eaters!"

"Not Sirius, he was disowned!" - Aylce motions for me to continue - "Voldemort killed my best friend and her husband. Sirius was sent to Azkaban because he supposedly gave up their hiding spot to him. But I believe it was our other "friend" Peter Pettigrew."

She stared at me for a moment, long enough that I started to question if she actually heard what I said.

"I don't know Peter Pettigrew," she said. "I left that life a long time ago. I could only tell you a handful of death eaters. The Black family being one of them, plus the Malfoy's."

"Is there anything that you possibly know?" I ask. "It can be really simple."

She looks up at the ceiling, trying to think of anything that could be beneficial for my search.

"Last I heard was my cousin Kelsie was supposed to do something big for Voldemort," Alyce said. 

My heart stops. She can't possibly be talking about Kelsie Ann Blake, can she?

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