Part 47

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It wasn't long before I found myself walking into the house back in England. It was raining and my coat was soaking wet, sooner I get this into the closet, the better.

"Layla?" Remus’s voice calls through the entry way. He comes into view.

"Hey," I said walking past him towards the sitting room.

"'Hey'?" Remus asks confused. "You are gone for weeks and you say 'hey'?"

"Sorry it took me so long?" I say as a question.

"The boys have been wondering where you have been," Remus said. "And I had no idea what I was supposed to tell them."

I ignore his anger and stare out the window. Ever since I found out Peter helped aid in the murders of the McKinnon's, I haven’t really been the same.

I knew he betrayed all of us, but I never thought it possible for him to murder the same people who cared about him.

I mean what did Voldemort even tell Peter? That he would have all the power he wants? That he would finally be noticed? Did he really forget that we noticed him? That we loved him more than anything?

"Layla?" Remus said sitting on the armrest next to me.

I look up at him, making sure that my eyes weren't going to betray me. As strong as I think Remus is, this information would absolutely destroy him.

Though could I really keep it to myself for the rest of my life? It's a very big weight to carry, and with Remus at my side to help me, then maybe I could finally get over everything.

"Are you okay?" Remus asks, worry lining his voice.

"I'm grand," I said, forcing a smile onto my face.

Remus saw right through that lie.

"What did you find out?" Remus asks in a whisper.

There it is, the question that I really don’t want to answer. And honestly I don't think I have the strength to repeat the information I learned.

Before I could stop myself, tears slowly seep from my eyes. I try to look away but Remus grabs onto my should, forcing me to look at him.

"Layla what happened?" He asks.

I look in his eyes. Real worry lining them. I tried to open my mouth to tell him that it was nothing, to tell him that Peter did it. But nothing came out.

"Talk to me," he says.

I knew right then, I have to take this secret to the grave.

"I'll never get him back," I crock out.

Remus wraps his arms around my in a protective hug. Tears streaming from my face, not even trying to stop them at this point.

I better get used to the internal struggle that will go on forever. I will die before I say what I learned on my trip to America.

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