Part 24

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I woke early on July 31st. It's Harry's third birthday and I wasn't going to let his good for nothing aunt and uncle stop me from seeing him.
Before I walk downstairs and start my day, I take out a little piece of parchment.

Dear Sirius

Today is Harry’s second birthday. His first birthday without his parents. Last time I went to his relatives house, they told me never to visit him pretty much. But when have I ever listened to any rules? They are awful, at least they are to me. I mean it could be explained. They lost Lily, but Lily told me they didn’t really get along very well. I’m just trying to explain to myself why they are so awful more than anything else. The boys are doing well. Regulus said his first word. Think you might be happy to hear that it wasn’t “Moony”, but it was mummy. At least one of our children loves me, hahaha…

I miss you love

I place the parchment with the others, still can’t believe how many there are. I shake the sad thoughts from my head, I have somewhere to be. I get dressed and head downstairs, Remus sitting in the sitting room reading the Daily Prophet.

"Anything interesting?" I ask.
Remus sets the paper down and looks up at me. 

"Just a couple more Death Eaters going to Azkaban," he responds.

I nod and sit down next to him. I don’t have to leave for Harry's just yet, if anything they are probably still asleep. I just want some time to figure out what exactly I’m going to be saying. I need to make sure that his aunt and uncle don’t bully me into leaving without at least saying hello to Harry.

“Severus got off,” Remus says.

I turn to him. “How? Didn’t multiple people see him at meetings?” I ask.

“Dumbledore said he was innocent,” Remus said.

I nod my head. I don’t believe that, but what can I do about it? Snivellus is a teacher at Hogwarts and Dumbledore has some very strange reasoning, but I trust him.

The clock strikes 10 A.M. I should get going before it gets too late in the day. I’m going to need as much time as possible with those people.

“I’ll see you later tonight,” I say standing up. Remus nods his head.

“I’ll watch the boys,” he said.

“Thought that was obvious,” I said. Remus lets out a hearty laugh.

I close my eyes and concentrate on my go to place: Number 4 Privet Drive. A couple seconds later I apparate on Harry’s street. No going back this now.

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