Part 2

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I wake to loud banging downstairs. I quickly sit up in bed. Sirius is missing from the bedroom. My heartbeat speeds up. I quietly open my nightstand drawer, trying to find my wand. My throat goes dry from nerves. Where did Sirius go?

I grab my wand and slowly make my way towards the source of the sound. More sounds being made, sounds of anguish insult my ears. My palms are sweating so much that my wand is slowly slipping. The outside night light lit my way down the stairs.

I passed our grandfather clock. Three A.M. What could possibly be making noise in our house at three A.M, last time I checked Sirius sent Kreacher home. Plus he would never be making those sounds.

Where is Sirius?

Another loud sound echos, but this time I at least know where it’s coming from. I make my way towards the kitchen, I peek my head in to see how many strangers are in my house, when I see Sirius throwing plates and vases into neighboring walls.

I lower my wand and run into the room, running to Sirius.

“What is going on?” I say reaching out for him.

He turns to look at me, tears streak his face while more are threatening to escape. Last time I saw him like this, Regulus died. He pulls me into a cold embrace. I gently stroke his back, trying to get him to calm down.

“They’re dead Layla,” he whispers to me.

My heart stops. “Who?” I ask.

“James and Lily,” he says.

Tears threaten my eyes. The air in my lungs leaves me and I can’t seem to get another breath.

“How?” I ask, holding Sirius out so I can look him in the eyes.

“It was -” A loud pounding on our door stops Sirius from answering.

I look towards the door. My heart rate increases. Could the person who killed Lily and James come to kill us now?

Sirius pushes me behind him as the front door bursts open. A gust of wind pushes my hair back, my eyes going dry by the act.

About ten Auror’s make their way into the house, all holding up their wands. Sirius reaches for my hand. I grab onto it, not knowing what is going on.

“Expelliarmus,” one of the Aurors said. My wand goes flying into a nearby hand.

“Make way,” a horse voice said. A small opening appears between the Aurors. Barty Crouch stands in our kitchen. “Sirius Black. You are under arrest.”

“For what?” I ask.

“For aiding You-Know-Who,” he says. “And the murder of Peter Pettigrew.”

This time I tried to protect Sirius from the Aurors. I placed myself between him and Barty Crouch. Who all were standing in our house, uninvited.

“He was with me the whole night,” I say.

“We have proof that he did it,” he said. “He killed Peter Pettigrew in a savage way. We only found a finger!”

“He didn’t do it!” I yell. I could feel Sirius stop breathing. I can feel the fear radiating off of him.

“Grab him,” Barty Crouch said.

All ten Aurors start moving in. I turn to Sirius for some sort of plan. He is frozen in place. The wheels turning in his head, possibly if he should switch forms and run out of the house.

I meet with his eyes. Unshed tears sit on the edges. He stares deep into my eyes, searching for something. I feel hands on my shoulders trying to pull me away from him. If I don’t hold my ground Sirius will be taken away from me forever…

I try to shake the person off me, reaching out for Sirius who is getting a robe spell done around his wrists. Another one uses the Petrificus Totalus spell. Sirius stops moving. I struggle against the person to get to him.

“He is innocent!” I scream. “You’ll see in a trial!”

“There will be no trial,” Barty Crouch said. “Sirius Black is going straight to Azkaban. For the rest of his life.”

The Auror’s start taking him towards the door. I scream after them. I just need to get out of this man’s grasp then I can get to Sirius. Maybe even Apparate us out of here, who cares if I can get splinched. I need to protect Sirius. I could even change forms, go to Azkaban with him. That way he won’t be totally alone, but he would hate me for that. 

What am I supposed to do?

Tears stream down my face. The man lets go of me when the rest make it outside. I ran down the long hallway towards the open door, Sirius’s eyes bore into mine. I need to get to him. I get halfway to the door before it slams shut. I pull on the handle, trying to open the door, but it won’t budge.

I turn around, the Auror who had a hold on me looks down the hall at me.

“He killed your best friends,” he says to me. “How are you still protecting him?”

“He was with me the whole night!” I scream, tears streaming down my face.

“Do you have proof?” he asks.

Before I could answer the Auror, he Apparates out of my house. I turn back to the door. Pulling on the handle, screaming and banging on the door. Each movement I wish a little more for the door to open. For my body to just go through the door. That I land face first on the sidewalk from the momentum of my anger and hurt.

But the door never gave out. My eyes run dry from how much I’ve been crying. My voice disappeared a couple minutes ago. My body drained from how much I’ve been trying to open the door.

I gather up all my strength and try the handle again. It pops open. I quickly make my way outside. I stop when I notice the sun peeking through the clouds above. I look around the street of houses. No sign of Sirius or the events from last night.

My heart drops to my stomach. I didn’t try hard enough. I didn’t save Sirius. It’s all my fault…

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