Part 18

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I wake to the urge of water being released. I fling the covers off me and see a whole wet spot. I slowly get up from bed, not fully comprehending what is going on. It's not until I feel a sharp pain in my stomach, worse than a period cramp. I'm going into labor.

I quickly get dressed into somewhat comfortable clothes before going to wake up Remus.

"Remus," I say shaking him. He rolls over to his other side, ignoring my shakes. "Remus!"

He wakes with a start. He looks around the room with worry. "What?" He asks nervously.

"We need to get to St. Mungo's," I say. Another sharp pain makes its way into my abdomen.

I sit down onto Remus’s bed, waiting for the tightness to leave. I take a bunch of deep breaths trying to ground myself and ignore the pain. Finally it passes.

"Right," Remus says, scrambling to grab some of his things. "Let's get going."

Wasn't long until we arrived at St. Mungo's. The place was pretty empty for being a hospital. Last time I was here it was a lot more packed, but I think that was because Voldemort and his followers had attacked some Muggle-borns.

One of the Healers brings me a potion to help calm the contractions going on in my body. Within seconds the pain is lifted.

I settle down in the bed, waiting for the time to come to meet my beautiful baby boys. I just wish Sirius was here with us, he deserves to see his own children born. I honestly need to make my way over to America and find Alyce. See if she has any information on Peter.

"Where is Layla Black?" A very familiar voice echoes through the room.

I look over at Remus, he avoids eye contact with me. Seconds later Andromeda walks into our little area. I look at her with wide eyes.

"How did you-" I question.

"Remus told me," she said, cutting me off. She walks over to my right side and grabs my hand in hers.

I round onto Remus. "How did you have time to do that?" I ask.

"I have my ways," he says.

"Don't worry," Andromeda starts. "I'll be with you the whole time. I know it's not ideal, but we are family."

Of course it's not ideal. Sirius is in prison, I'm pregnant with our twins, and he can't even be here for their birth. If Peter really is alive, he messed with the wrong woman.

"I just wish Sirius was here," I whisper, mostly to myself. 

Remus opens his mouth to speak, but before he could answer one of the Healers walk into our area. I'm definitely going to ask him about this later. I love Andromeda, but sometimes she can be very suffocating.

"Ready to meet your children?" The Healer asks. I nod my head. It's now or never.

After hours of labor, we finally make our way back to the house. Andromeda walks into the kitchen to start dinner. I told her that I could do that, but she didn't want to hear about it. Said I needed rest and to bond with the twins. 

Remus grabs a change of clothes before leaving. Tomorrow is a full moon so he has to go to protect everyone involved. I know that he doesn't really want to leave, but he has too.

We say our goodbyes. Andromeda saying goodbye from the kitchen over the loud banging of pots and pans.

I walk into the sitting room, where the twins are lying about in small bassinets. One blue and another red. Mostly for my own sanity, It's going to be hard to tell them apart…

I picked up one twin rolled up in blue blankets. He coos quickly in my arms.

A small birthmark placed gently on his neck and another behind his ear.

"Hello Regulus Lyall Black," I whisper faintly. A subtle smile appears on his baby mouth. 

"You know," I whisper again, "you are named after the bravest men I know. Your uncle and grandfather. I'm sure he would love to meet you."

I stare at Regulus for a little longer. Taking in the softness and innocence of the oldest twin.

I set him gently back into the bassinet before moving onto the next twin. I pick him up in his red baby blanket.

There was a small birthmark under his left eye. Guess telling these two apart was going to be easier than I thought it was going to be.

“Hello Leo Sirius Black,” I whisper to him. He moves his very petite body closer to me. I hold him closer to my body, trying to shield him from the evil of the world.

Each twin is different in their own way. I can already tell that they are going to be quite different but are going to be inseparable.

I gently put Leo back in his bassinet. He softly cries before he fully goes back to sleep. I slip out the sitting room and find Andromeda still working in the kitchen. Wandering around grabbing ingredients while an enchanted spoon stirs a pot on the stove.

“I was wondering if you could help me move the bassinets into my room before you go,” I ask.

Andromeda jumps, I should’ve made some sort of sound before saying something.

“Of course,” she says. “Dinner is almost ready too.”

We eat dinner and Andromeda helps me bring the twins up to my room before going home to her own family. She kept telling me that if I needed anything, no matter what time, I could always get her. I kept reassuring her that I was going to be okay.

The house was as gloomy as it was before. Before I know it, these two babies are going to be running around the house pranking me and laughing at everything. I honestly can’t wait for that.

I grab a piece of parchment out with a quill and ink. I look over at the boys before I start writing another lonely letter to Sirius. They sit there sleeping, not knowing that they won’t meet their father for maybe years to come or ever. But at least I will pass his memory on.

Dear Sirius

Our children were born today - May 22nd at five AM. Yeah, children. We had twins! They are so adorable. I can already tell they are going to be just like you. You must be wondering what their names are. The oldest one, only by ten minutes, is Regulus Lyall Black. Named after the bravest men I know. Then Leo Sirius Black, named after the tradition your family has and of course, you. Please don’t worry about them not knowing who you are. I will be teaching them all about you, till my dying breath.

You’ll meet them one day. I know you will.

I fold the paper up and stick it with the other. The pile is growing more and more by the day. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I have to keep hope up, for everyone in this house.

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