Part 14

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I pop up in the Weasley's house. A loud cluttering sound. I looked out the fireplace to see what it was. A picture from the mantel place fell over and broke. Oh, I do hope Molly won’t be too upset about that.
“Hello?” a woman's voice calls from the other room. I quickly dust myself off.

Molly walks into the room, a smile playing on her lips. "I should've written or something," I said, pointing towards the fireplace.

"Nonsense," she says walking over to me. "Though why are you here darling?"

I look around the kitchen and to wherever else my eyes could get to. "I wanted to talk to you about Alyce Peverell," I say.

Molly nods her head while pulling out a chair for me. "Tea?" She asks.

"No, thank you," I said. "Just had some. I do have a question though."

She motions for me to sit down. I listen.

"Do you know anything about Alyce Peverell?" I ask.

She sits down across from me, a look of waiting on her face. "I haven't seen Alyce in, maybe thirteen years," she said after a moment.

"Were you both close?" I ask.

"Not really," she says. "Though after she decided to marry that Muggle man and was casted out of her family she didn't really have anyone else to turn to."

"Do you know anything about the man?" I ask, invested.

"I don't suppose so," she says. "You must talk to Arthur on that one." She looks up at me. "Why do you want to know?"

I freeze. Can't exactly tell her why. Who knows what her reaction is going to be. I don't even know if this is going to be a dead end. I have no idea if Peter has any type of connection to the Peverells. I just need some sort of sign that tells me that Peter is alive, that way I can hunt him down and free Sirius.

"Mum!" A young boy screams from upstairs. "Bill won't stop bothering me! I'm trying to read!"

Molly lets out a sigh. "Percy just play with your brother!" She screams up at them.

"I don't want to!" Percy screams back. "Please come get him!"

Molly gives me an apologetic look before walking upstairs. I sit there waiting for her to come back. My eyes drift towards the shoes by the door.

Bite marks line the edges. I'll have to ask Molly if she knows about those, don't want someone to walk in them and then slip.

A couple minutes later Molly walks back into the kitchen. "Boys," she says, "can never escape the constant need."

I point over towards the shoes. "Do you know those have chew marks?" I ask.

"Oh," she says, sitting back down. "Yes dear. Our new family pet has been a small pest lately."

I nod my head. They probably got a cat or something. I don't really know what else would make such large chew holes.

"Do you know when Arthur will be back?" I ask.

She looks up at the clock. "In a couple hours," she says. "He will be here for dinner, you can stay till then."

I open my mouth to say something but she waves it off. Why does Molly have to be so accommodating? I can go home until he gets back, I'll just be in the way.

Dinner rolls around. I tried talking to Arthur but he wanted to eat before we discussed anything. Which means that I'm going to be more of an inconvenience. Luckily it went quicker than I expected it too.

We make our way out towards his little shed that he apparently keeps Muggle stuff.

"So," he says, "what did you want to talk about?"

"Do you know anything about Alyce Peverell?" I say, trying not to sound too annoyed.

"Um," he thinks. "Yeah, she moved to America with her husband Alex Carter about thirteen years ago."

I let out a sigh. "Yes I already know that," I said. "Anything else? A way to track them down? Anything?" 

“Well, their children are attending their last year at that American Wizarding school. I haven't talked to them in years, but I believe they are living in a state called Nebraska."

"Nebraska? Where is that?"

"I have no clue."

"Well thanks." 

I turn to go. This really was a dead end. What else am I supposed to do now? Dumbledore told me to look back through the files and I did, there was nothing.

"I'll try to track down a mailing address for you," Arthur said.

"Will you?" I ask, some hope growing back inside me.

"Yeah," he says with a soft smile. "But can I ask why you're tracking them down?"

I look at Arthur. If he is going to go through the trouble of trying to find some very distant relatives then I owe an explanation.

"I'm trying to look for someone," I said. "He may or may not be dead, but I'd rather make sure in order to help my own sanity."

"I'll send you some information as soon as I have it."

I give him my thanks and walk back inside. Molly hugging all five of her kids, the newest member is probably already asleep in his crib. When she is done I say goodbye and use the Floo network to get back home.

For a split second, I forgot what it felt like to be alone. Being around the Weasleys all day was a little beneficial for my sanity. But nothing lasts forever, I should know that more than most.

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