Part 38

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General POV

Jay and Hailey spin around alarmed to the crash. There eyes trailed down the to the floor, to see Voight lying face down on the ground and unconscious. "What the hell?" Kim ghasps with sock, to both the pregnancy and Hank on the floor. The team surround Hank, yelling him and Al shakes him to get him to come around. After a few seconds of shaking and yelling Voight starts to regain consciousness, to everyone's relief. "Did..Hailey say she, pregnant" Hank slurs, making them all giggle now they know the reason he dropped. "Yeh" Al confirms, boring and dull as usual about the whole thing. Jay and Kevin help Voight up off the floor, keeping their arms around him until he fully gets his balance back. "Ya'll right" Kim smirks, trying her hardest to stop laughing athe big burly Sargent passing out at the least scariest thing he has heard or done in the job. "Yeh, I just got a shock" Hank replies, looking straight at Hailey and subconsciously trailing his eyes down to her stomach. "You don't have a hint of a bump" Hank says, looking between Hailey and Jay thinking they worked quickly. "How far along?" Kevin asks, setting a supportive hand onto Haileys small shoulder. "Three and a bit months" Hailey answers, a sigh of pitty leaving everyone's mouth, knowing she is always going to have a link to Nate. "I'm sorry Hailey" Kim shuffles between in between Hailey and Adam, wrapping her arms tightly around Hailey from the side. "Thanks Kim, I'm okay though" Hailey sadly smiles, realising even more how lucky she is to have such an amazing family. "Like Jay said before. Anyone can be a father, it takes a real man to be a dad" Hailey shuggs, leaning into Jay automatically for comfort. "You're taking the baby on?" Antonio questions in suprisment, always thinking Jay having kids is a long shot. "Yeh" Jay nodds, looking to Antonio and finding it weird that he doesn't think it is the obvious and descent thing to do. "Oh" Is all Antonio says, not sure why Jay is taking on another man's child. "What?" Jay snaps, his defence for Hailey and him breaking loose slightly. "Nothing, I just.." Antonio shakes his head, realising he has backed himself into a corner. "Just?" Adam jumps infront of Jay, blocking him from giving Antonio a run for his money. "Jay, don't" Hailey begs, grabbing Jay by the arm, which instantly calms him down and makes him back off. "You good now?" Hailey checks, looking Jay straight into the eye, like she always does when she has to calm Jay down. "Sorry, he just" Jay attempts to justify, but gets the do not even bother with it, there is more important things look from Hailey. "Come on, lets get to work" Hank orders, bouncing back to his usual self and taking control back of the situation. "Upton, Halstead, in here" Voight barks. Jay and Hailey slowly stand up, their hands shaking and hearts racing insainly fast.

As soon as Hailey is through the office door, Jay closes him tightly behind them, causing the blinds infront of the door to make a shattery noise that echoes in the tight room. "First of all, Congratulations. Second of all, I don't want you out on the field at all. I may have considered it if it wasn't somewhere awful, but after what happened with Kim, we can't risk it again. I won't let another baby be lost in my district due to work" Hank says, still feeling deep guilt due to the loss of Kim and Adam's baby. "Thankyou Sarg and okay" Hailey obeys, fully on the same page with Voights decision, even if it is a frustrating one. Hank dismisses the partners, but Jay hangs back wanting to have a private talk with Hank. "What's wrong Jay?" Hank sits forward in his chair, worried about Jay as he never hangs back for a chat. "You think Antonio is right? Is it wrong and a bad move?" Jay second guesses himself, Antonios disapproval plumiting Jays already low confidence. "Jay, sit down" Hank tilts his head to the chair right infront of Jay, hinting for him to sit on that one. "I can't tell you what to and what not to do. What I can do though, is tell you that being a father is one of the most challenging and best things ever. Without a shadow of a doubt I know you are going to be the best father, I've seen the way you act around victims that are children. That boy with the P.E teacher, you took that to heart and really looked out for him, that's what a father does. The level you went to was above and beyond. It is completely up to you though, it's what is best for you and Hailey. Antonio was completely out of line saying what he did, he shouldn't have done that" Voight tries his best to assure Jay that he shouldn't be doubting himself and telling him that his big heart is the reason he admires Jay as a cop and person. "What if I turn out like my father? I can't do that to a child. I told Hailey she won't be anything like her father, but I don't know about myself" Jay whispers. Hank rises from his seat and comes to comfort Jay, crouching down next to Jays chair. "I trust you and so does Hailey. Their isn't a snow balls chance in hell that Hailey would trust you with all she has if she thought you are like your dad. Even marginally" Voight pulls Jay into a hug, not something he does to everyone. Over the years, Jay has grown to become Hanks favourite detective and one of the people he respects most in Chicago. Becoming somewhat of a son figure. "Jay, you got this. You and Hailey are going to rock parent hood and your child is going to have the best parents" Hank insits, having full belief and confidence in Jay and Hailey. "Yeh. Sorry" Jay pulls away from Voight, standing up to try and 'man' himself back up. "Don't be" Hank says, patting Jay on the side of the arm. Jay opens the office door and heads straight to the locker room, keeping his head down so he can hide his red face.

Hailey tilts her head at Voight- who is standing in the doorway- for an explanation to what went on once she left. He subtly shakes his head, indicating Jay isn't okay and she should go after him. Hailey gets the point and shuts her computer down, making a beeline for the direction Jay just went.

The breakroom door is closed, so Hailey knocks their special knock onto the door so Jay knows its her. "Please let me in" Hailey pleads, resting her ear against the door and listening out for any words Jay might attempt. "Jay, you gotta talk to me man" Hailey says, kicking the door, that adjoins the office area to the hallway they are in, closed. "It's just me" Hailey promises. The door slowly opens, uncloaking an emotional and embarresed Jay. "Aw babe" Hailey sympathetically closes her eyes, taking a step into the locker room and re-closing the door. "What's wrong?" Hailey asks, dragging Jay to a nearby bench. "Antonio got to me. He made me second guess myself and the kind of father I can be; I started thinking I would turn out like my father. I don't know what has came over me" Jay cries, defeatness devouring his body and mind. "Jay, remember what you told me the other day? That goes the same for you. I love you Jay so much and I can't think of a better man to raise the little sprog. Our little sprog" Hailey smiles, rubbing her thumb against his cheek softly. Hearing Hailey say 'our' makes Jay feel all that more important, encouraging him to get himself together and carry on doing the best he can. "I can't wait to meet our sprog" Jay smiles, leaning in to press his fourhead with Haileys. "I'm your forever remember" Hailey reminds Jay, taking away all the doubt Jay has and throwing it into thin air. "My forever" Jay repeats, loving the phrase knowing it means Hailey will be around forever. "Exaclty" Hailey smiles, moving her head slightly upwards and to the left and attaches her lips to his. "We better get back to the paper work" Jay chuckles, shaking himself like a wet dog to get his head back on straight properly. "Lets go" Hailey says, taking Jay by the hand as they walk through the small corridor to the bullpen. "You got this" Hailey whispers to Jay, gripping his hand a little tighter before they part hands.

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