Part 6

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General POV

The awkwardness in the bullpen is broken by Voight slamming the door of his office open to announce a bust near by. "Just got word from a CI, the deli across from South Side cinema is holding a stash of drugs and cash" Hank announces, grabbing all of the teams attention. "We going in?" Antonio asks Voight who seemed to stop halfway through his sentece. "Yes, I didnt just tell you becuase I felt like it" Voight sarcastically barks, swining his arm in a loop to get them all moving. "Not so quick Upton, your staying her" Voight stops Hailey in her stride, sticking his hand out so she can't ignore him by walking past. "Im fine Voight" Hailey argues having a stand off with her boss. "Sit" Voight orders poitning to Haileys empty desk chair, talking to her life shes a disobedient dog. "Ugh" Hailey groans in frustration, throwing her jacket down on her desk in a strop. "Good, now ima go. Do not esacpe" Voight says before wondering off to join the others.

Haileys POV

For the last half hour I've been fiddling with the detachable hood on my winter coat, distracting myself from the pain creeping up now I've got nothing to focus in and the nausea feeling from my head. Four years, three threehundered and sixty-four I've been with Nate. Only for three of them has he been acting like this, charming me in  my vulnerable state after Garret died, then snapping once I didnt need him trailing around after me. Catching me in fear I'd leave him. "Upton, someones here for you" Platt bellows up the stairs, clearly not caring to just walk up the small flight of stairs. I gingerly rise from my chair, my heart racing again in fear of whats to come.

I get to the last step and see Nate pacing the entrance area looking mad as a bull. I wearily walk over to him, acting as hard as I can to seem calm and non suspicious. "Why the hell aren't you still lying on the floor at home dead?" Nate snapps. My mind blows at the thought of him actually wanting me dead, admitting to it in the middle of the police station. "Im working Nate, go home" I calmy suggest, pointing him towards the door. "DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Nate shuvs me backwards into the banister, causing me to fall onto the floor. Platt, alongside other officers, comes running over to help. Platt yells the roof off the place telling Nate where he can stick it. "Platt stop" I begg, her yelling making the situation a whole lot worse for when I get home back home tonight. "Thankyou" I smile to the two officers that help me up before wobbling over to Platt and Nate. "PLATT, NATE, SHUT UP!" I yell, my voice drowning out both Platt and Nates voice in one go. Both of them completely ignore me and carry on having a playground argument, throwing random insults at each other hoping one of them will either run out of insults or backdown. "HAILS, TELL HER IM YOUR BOYFRIED" Nate practically beggs, knowing that I know if I dont he'll make things worse for me tonight than they already will be. "Yeh" I nodd, raising my eyes hinting for Platt to let Nate go. "Get out you ass" Platt unimpressedly orders, hearding him out of the district. "You alright Upton?" Platt asks, coming over to give me a once over. "Yeh" I nodd, wiggling my eyes to try and get them to focus. "K" Platt nodds, walking back off to her desk.

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