Part 3

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Haileys POV

Jay helps me into his apartment, my balance still wonky. His apartment is warm, snuggly and feels like a home. No holes in the wall, no raggedy sofa or rug. "Come on" Jay becons, leading me to the kitchen sink. My heads stopped bleeding, however my hairs all matted and red from it. "This is going to sting" Jay warns, gently pressing a damp tea towel against the back of my head. I squeeze a spong thats laying on the sink, attempting to get rid of some of the pain. "Sorry" Jay apologieses, seeing my hand suddenly grab the sponge. "Its fine" I reply, continuing to squeeze the sponge. Suddenly Jay lets out a horrified gasp, lettting go of my hair. "Whats up?" I worridly ask, turning around to face Jays horrified face. "Your gash is really deep Hailey, you need stitches" Jay replies, getting his phone out and spinning me around (not helping my dizzyness). A second later, Jay comes infront of me and presents a picture of the back of my head. The sight making me feel even iller. "Do you have any butterfly stitches?" I ask Jay, used to sewing up my own injuries. Jay starts scrummaging through a nearby cupboard, pulling alsorts of random crap out: from old batteries, to odd socks, random screws and DIY stuff to name a few. "Yeh, got some" Jay announces, holding the small box over his head. "Thankyou" I thank, painfully standing onto my tiptoes to grab them from Jay. "Do you have two mirrors?" I stupidly ask, why on earth would Jay have two mirrors in his apartment. "Yeh, in the bathroom. One on each wall opposite each other, I got them for all the injuries I've had to stitch up myself" Jay chuckles, feeling to need to explain himself and hide is true vanity. "Yeh, thanks" I smirk, carefully wobbling my way over to Jays bathroom.

Jays POV

I hover in the living room, waiting patiently for Hailey to return. The gut feelings i've been having for two years of knowing her have been right all along. Who the man in her apartment is, I'm still not sure who he is. Presumably a boyfriend, unless she's going down an ugly spiral....the Booth case getting to her more than she let on. "Sorry, it was hard to get on" Hailey apologieses, turning around for me to double check if the stitches were good. "Dont worry and they are great" I assure, impressed at how worryingly easy Hailey found it to butterfly stitch something on the back of her body. "Good, we should go. Voight might think somethings seriously wrong" Hailey says grabbing her coat. She looks like shes had about ten shots, she hasn't walked in a straight line since I let go of her when we first arrived and her face is ghost white. "Yeh, come on" I smile, automaticallg grabbing her around the arm to keep her upright.

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