Part 25

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General POV

By the time Hailey and Jay get home, its half five and both of them are very hungry; Hailey is desperate for non-plasticy hospital food. The two sit of the luxurious comfortable sofa, attempting to make there minds up on what to have for tea. "Before we descide on anything, what can you actually make?" Hailey chuckles, not in the mood for a multiple beans on toast meal again. "Uuuugh, hang on, I have a great idea. Don't come over whatever you do and keep focused on One Tree Hill" Jay suddenly has a light bulb moment and jumps up off the sofa, running over to the kitchen. "Okay...." Hailey hesitantly agrees, wondering what on earth is going through Jays brain. "By the way, I've never watched anything so terrible" Jay adds, referring to One Tree Hill. "If I could chuck a cushion at you I would. One Tree Hill is amazing, you diss it once more and I'll never talk to you again" Hailey jokingly, but partly serious, threatens. Jay doesn't say anything just chuckles, continuing to pull a bunch of ingredients out of a never ending cupboard. Hailey watches on in amazement, utterly stunned at how much cooking stuff Jay has, considering his kitchen was empty the first night she stayed. "What in the world are you making Jay?" Hailey asks, continuing to watch Jay pull stuff out the cupboard. "You'll see" Jay smiles, not giving the suprise away for anything. "One question; when did you get all this?" Hailey asks completely puzzled. Has Jay been swapped for a another man who looks like him in the past month and a bit? Hailey thinks to herself. "I borrowed Mary Poppins hand bag and asked the lame magician on twenty-third and wall to turn it into a cupboard. Kim bought the endless supply of food" Jay replies, incredibly concentrated on making up a sauce. "Your an idiot" Hailey laughs a fairly deep laugh at the remark Jay made about Marry Poppins at an attempt for humour. "You love me really" Jay shoots back- meaning nothing by it- but Jay immediately blushes along with Hailey. "Um, I'm going to use the bathroom and take a quick shower" Hailey says, removing herself from the heavily tensed up room. "Can you do that on your own?" Jay bellows after her. "Yeh, I'll manage" Hailey bellows back to Jay.

Thirty mintues later, Jay sets the table and places the freshly made meal out on the table. Its the first time he's ever attempted anything this high value and hopes to heavens it doesn't taste like dirt. "Hey, does that feel better?" Jay asks Hailey seeing her make her way back into the living area. "Yeh" Hailey shyly smiles, looking uneasy all of a sudden. "You alright? you look unsure" Jay asks Hailey, tilting his head to the side in a concered questioning manner. "Yeh, its just, the last time someone cooked it didn't end well. Its stupid ignore me, it looks amazing Jay!" Hailey smiles, visibly trying to assure herself that Jay isn't like the other guys and her father. "Thanks, it might not taste it though" Jay smiles, pulling out a chair for Hailey to sit on. "Thanks" She smiles taking a seat. "What is it? I can see the bolognasue side to it" Hailey asks, wondering what the pale yellow thing is under the mince thats traditionally pasta. "Butternut squash" Jay replies, holding his breath incase she doesn't like it. "Oh man, you know how to get on my good side. Sqaush is the best" Hailey grins, taking a mouthful of it and sighing in pleasure. "Taste good?" Jay chuckles at Haileys reaction. "Amazing" Hailey mumbles through her full mouth. "Yess" Jay exhales, chuffed that he's been able to make a descent healthy meal that doesn't taste dreadful. "Um, whats happened to Nate?" Hailey asks, not able to hold the mind pondering question back any more. "Um, he's in lockup. We got him a while ago, not going anywhere for a while. You have to make a statement though alst he can only be charged for GBH instead of long term abuse" Jay says, receiving a fearful look off Hailey. "Just go with GBH, I can't face him" Hailey states, willing to do anything if it means never seeing Nate again. "Okay" Jay agrees, not arguing with Hailey with it being the last thing she needs. She's safe, Nates getting punished so that's all that matters. "Thanks" Hailey smiles in appreciation to Jay's understanding.

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