Part 9

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General POV

Jay opens the door to his apartment letting Hailey in first. She stands there awkwardly, waiting for a but or Jay to turn into some evil monster now he's behind closed doors. "Sit down, I'll make us some tea and grab us a beer from the fridge" Jay smiles, practically pulling Hailey over to the sofa. "Thanks" Hailey randomly thanks Jay for only taking her over to the sofa. Jay smiles greatefully, not saying anything about the un-needed thank. "Umm, okay, I gotta be honest. I cant cook, not even pasta" Jay embarrasingly admits, relaxing Hailey into a small giggle fit. A smile, for the first genuine time in ages, appearing across her face. Not a fake, forced smile but a real genuine 'im happy' smile. Jay watches Hailey giggle in awe, enjoying his first sight of his partner genuinely happy. A sence of belonging overwhelmes the two partners, a safety and relaxing feeling wrapping around the apprentice. "I'll cook, what do you have" Hailey shakes her head in complete dispare, sensitively walking over to Jay in his kitchen. "Cheerios and I dont know what this is" Jay pulls out a random can of some kind of mixed beans, holding it out for Hailey to see. "Oooh, boy" Hailey exhales in a deep voice, sending her and Jay into fits of laughter for no reason what so ever. "Do, you have any bread?" Hailey coughs out between rounds to belly laughter to catch her breath. "Yeh, why?" Jay replies, puzzled to what on earth Hailey can do with a can of mixed beans and bread. "Beans on toast, well, mixed beans on toast" Hailey replies, holding herself together as the pain ontop of laughing becomes to much for her to handle. "Who the hell even puts normal beans onto toast?" Jay disgustingly asks, scrunching his face uptight like he does in amused confusion. "Do not judge it till you've tried it. I had it in England- admittedly it was normal beans- and it was to die for" Hailey over enthusiastically sticks up for the beans and toast combo. "Thats what you say" Jay smirks raising his hands up in the air to let Hailey have at it. Jay bends down into the bottom cupboard for the toaster, whilst Hailey gets a pan out and warms it up on the hob. They both chuckle and laugh at both there clumsyness which leads to spills and trips over ones feet. "This is going to be gross" A pessimistic Jay chuckles once the meal is ready. "Shut up" Hailey smirks, passing Jay a: knife, falk and the full plate of beans on toast.

Both Hailey and Jay sit next to each other on the sofa, looking at each other to dare the other on to take the first mouthful. Neither one are brave enough to make the first move, so on the count of three they both take a mouthful together. "Ewwww" They both groan at the vile taste and texture, carelessly spitting their chewed up mixture back onto the plate. "Why would you do this to someone?" Jay asks, taking a big swig of his beer and quickly being joined by Hailey. "If you actually had food we wouldn't have been even considering making this" Hailey fires back, not taking the fall for this one. "It lingers" Jay tight-throatedly grumps, trying everything in his power to get ride of the taste. "Yeh, it really does" Hailey agrees, downing her beer in one swig. For a while, they both forget about the real reason Hailey is staying at Jays place. Both purely enjoying themselves, happy to be in one an others company for a long period of time. "We..we should go to bed, its getting late" Jay says, breaking the happiness but visibly seeing Hailey is utterly exhausted. "Yeh" Hailey yawns, letting herself go now Jays picked up on her tiredness. "Your bedrooms directly opposite mine, is that alright?" Jay double check, wondering why he even just asked the question with only having that one extra room. "Yeh, thanks" Hailey smiles, before both of them walk off playing with each others dangling fingers- to scared to actually hold hands- to there rooms. "Night Hails" Jay smiles warmly. "Night" Hailey returns, closing the door not a second after.

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