Part 15

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General POV

Around thirty minutes- but what felt like forever to Jay- the whole gang run inside the waiting, firing questions at Kim and Jay without stopping for breath. As Jay explains to them all what's going on and what's lead to this, well what he knows, all there hearts sink. Many thoughts run through there minds such as: We're elite detectives and never realised or how did we let our friend get to this state?, what if she doesn't make it?. "How long have you known Jay?" Adam ask, ready at any moment to have a go at Jay for lettting this happen. "Like I said, I've had an inkling from day one but she's been staying at my place since Friday evening" Jay answeres, all eyes blasting on to him like lazers for not telling anyone of them at all. "I told you, Hailey didn't want anyone to know. If I agreed it was the only way she'd let me help" Jay attempts to defend himself, hoping now they know she would only exept secret help, they will hate him a little less. "Wheres her boyfriend then?" Hank asks. "Um, we left him with the other paramedics. I dont know where they've taken him" Jay says, opening more questions up to why Nate needed an ambulance after him conveniently leaving the part out where he gave Nate a round of two. "Good, its staying that way. Anyone sees her boyfriend, you dont need to tell me all the details" Hank says, giving all his team permission to punish Nate in anyway they like....illegal and legal ways. "Whats his name?" Antonio asks out of curiosity and incase he needs to fill out a certain certificate for if he gets his hands on Nate. "Nate. I dont know is last name though, I only heard it becuase I over heard Hailey ranting about him when cooking" Jay replies and gets a nodd back from everyone.

One hour later, Will re-appears into the waiting room with an update on Hailey. The whole of intelligence- plus Platt- surround Will, eager for the news of how there friend is doing. "She is in a very rocky place at the moment, its very touch and go" Will begins to explain, pausing so the team can get there heads around what he just said. "Hailey is out of surgery and on a ventilator still though, several internal organs have been damaged and her stomach had to be drained of alot of blood. The organs have been repaired as best as they can be surgicall, the rest of the repair will take time and a transplant maby" Will continues to explain when all eyes had been bugg eyed on him for a second or two. The devastating news sent tears down all the units faces, including Hank, Al and Trudy. "Can..can we go see her?" Kevin stutters, trying his very hardest to keep all his emotions in tact. "Yeh, only one at a time though" Will consents, looking around to see who wants to go first. "Jay, you go" Antonio says, everyone agrees with him. They all know the tremendous guilt Jay feels and that there is something a little more between Jay and Hailey that meets the eyes. "Come on then" Will waves, guiding his younger brother to where Hailey is staying.

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