Part 7

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General POV

Hailey walks into the bullpen, to unexpectedly see the the team back and intently staring at whatever is on there computer screens. "What was all the carry on about down stairs?" Antonio asks as soon as he clasps eyes on Hailey. "Ugh, nothing, mouthy guy demanding to have a search warrant for his lost cat" Hailey replies, vulnerably looking straight at Jay to let him know it was more than that. "Cats are cute though, they should get search warrants" Kim chuckles starting a whole cat-search warrant argument. The whole team literally split in half about it; Jay, Hailey, Antonio and Al dont agree with it- most of them becuase they dislike cats- and Adam, Kevin, Kim and Voight agreeing with the search stuff. "You do realise if so, we'd spend most out days looking for possibly kidnapped cats?" Jay points out chuckling at how daft the idea is. "Cats are adorbale though" Kim protests, sticking the the same adorable for the cat. "Kim, all you've said in argument is 'adorable'" Al points out, completely shooting Kim down in flames. "That means all animals would have to be added, and knowing Chicago, we'd probably end up looking for something as random as a flaming giraffe" Voight laughs, not normally tolerating randome arguments but finding this one amusing. "See, another exelent point" Jay defensivly says, having a complete hatred for cats himself. Ever since Jay was about three years old he's had a hatred towards cats. His grandmothers cat used to jump out of no-where, once the Xmas tree and landed flat on Jays younger self's face. "Jay, you can't answer becuase of the experience you had" Kevin says lobbing a stuffed cat car-key at him. "Alright, get back to work. We can carry this on somewhere else later" Voight chuckles, reigning all the energetic chaos in before it turns out in a proper argument. "Cats still should be searched" Kim sneaks the comment in nonchalantly under her breath. "BURGESS" Hank warns sternly, popping his head out the office door just before he closes it. "Sorry" Kim chuckles along with the rest of them like naughty school children.

Sorry this is random, I needed a filler in chapter🙈

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