Part 24

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General POV

Its the day Haileys coming home and Jays invited all the team around to help get it 'hospital proof'. They make sure all major trip hazards are out the way, and things are at Haileys height so she doesn't have climb for stuff. "Which rooms she staying in?" Asks Antonio. "The one opposite mine" Jay answeres, pointing to the two doors opposite each other right behind Antonio. "Its freshly made dont worry" Kim says coming out of Haileys temporary room, literally just having made the bed. "Sweet" Adam exlaims hight fiving Kim. "You sure you can do this?" Kevin double checks Jay isnt about to do his legendary stunt of backing out last minute. "Yeh, she's my parter so its my job" Jay insits, never being more certain about anything in his life. Its not in a good way, but Jays over the moon that he is going to get to spend so much with Hailey alone. "Okie dokie then, lets let Jay go get Hailey" Kim says, grabbing her keys and coat off the coffee table. "Yeh, good luck bud" Kevin and Jay pull each other into a bro hug, the two of them becoming very close friends. "Thanks for the help guys" Jay thanks the whole group for the effort they've put into help, and in a formal fashion they all leave.


Jay knocks on Haileys door for permission to enter, to which she gives almost emmidiatly. She gingerly makes her way across to Jay and embraces him in a stiff hug, much welcome, hug. "You look good in joggers" Jay laughs, looking Hailey up and down who's dressed in: a blue and white top, with a black hoodie and red jogging bottoms. "Thanks, I personally think its Vogue worthy" Hailey jokes, mocking herself about the hurendus state she is in. "Totally" Jay smirks. Jay goes over to Haileys bed and grabs her hospital bag thats full of a one month pile of clothes. "Ugh, Jay, I bed to get my shoes on" Hailey admits embarrassingly. Jay turns to see Hailey standing there like a three year old child, holding her two trainers up with the biggest suck-up grin on her face. "Sit down on the bed and I'll help" Jay smiles, finding Haileys unfortunate state microscopically amusing at times. Hailey hobbles over to the bed and slides herself onto it, her feet dangling over the edge due to her height being on the shorter side. "Tell me I hurt you and I'll try and go a little gentler" Jay says, starting to gently slide Haileys left trainer on. A small hiss of pain esacpes Haileys tightly shut mouth, and Jay stops what he's doing imminently. "You good? I didn't mean to hurt you, sorry" Jay guiltily apologies. "No its fine Jay, no matter what you're going to do it'll hurt" Hailey assures Jay, wishing he would stop caring so much and just but the trainer on. "Just do them both so quickly and get them on, I'm passed caring if it hurts" Hailey says, accedentally sounding rudely bossy, but in her defence, she has been in hospital for over a month. With that, Jay unwillingly shoves both shoes on as quick as he can. Hailey clenches the bed sheets in pain, trying to hold the fighting scream inside of her in and not draw attention to herself with could set her discharge back. "Sorry" Jay apologieses...again...standing up and helping Hailey down. "Don't worry, thankyou. Can we go?" Hailey eagerly asks, wrapping her arm around Jays. "Yeh" Jay nodds, starting to slowly guide Hailey out of her room.

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