Part 27

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General POV

After three days of being cooped up in a small-ish apartment and over a month in a metallic smelling hospital room, Hailey is glad to be out the house and socialising. The group of four sit on a sofa bench right at the back of the bistro, where the sound of machines and roudy drunk people is alot fainter. "We're really missing you both at work" Kim says. "Yeh, we're missing being at work" Jay says, looking to Hailey for agreement. "Yeh, we even tried Olinskys suggestion this morning" Hailey says wide-eyed, expressing the deep regret she feels of doing it to Antonio and Kim. "Oooo, oh boy, its awful isn't it. That Dick guys voice sorted our mystery of why so many old people constantly doze off during the day" Antonio laughs, taking a swig of his juice. "No shyte Sherlock" Jay raises his eyebrows, still in disbelief to how terrible to show was. The group of four turn to absolutely fits at Jays comment, the happy sound of them laughing fills the small corner they isolated themselves into. "When are you due back at work anyway?" Kim asks, turning the conversation back onto the original one. "Two weeks, I told Jay he doesn't have to stay with me but he isists" Hailey shurggs, partially finding it a little annoying how much Jay runs around after her- even when she's perfectly capable of doing the task herself. "Come on Jay, get back, you heard the woman" Antionio encourages, desperate to get the clown of intelligence back. "Okay, okay, I'll come back in a couple of days" Jay holds his hands up in surrender, not wanting to seem clingy by refusing to go back to work and wanting to stay with Hailey instead. "WHoooHOo" Antonio cheers, raising his glass for everyone to clang together in celebration. "You're going to be lost without Jay being around. You going to be creating a new endition of Do you want to build a snowman" Kim smiles, taking the last bite of her burger. "Maby, it'll give me a chance to look around for an apartment" Hailey says. Jays face turns to disappointment at Hailey saying what she did. He knows she wouldn't stay forever, but hearing the words come out of her mouth makes it real. "Ooo, there's about six apartments in one block for sale on eighteenth and tenth" Kim lets Hailey know, saving her a wee bit of time from scrolling through Google for openings. "Thanks, they're real nice apartments around there, I'll go and have a look in a few days" Hailey enthusiastically smiles, trying not to be to happy not wanting to hurt Jays feelings accedentally. "Kim, we caught a scene" Antonio says after his phone lights up. The two cops say there goodbyes and run out of the restaurant at full pelt, obviously a serious scene they are going to. "And then there was two" Jay smiles. "Yeh, we might as well get back. We've been here an hour" Hailey says, passing Jay his coat and grabbing hers at the same time. "Come on, lets get you back to the warmth" Jay smiles, grabbing Hailey around the neck, as they walk off out the restaurant together.

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