Part 34

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General POV

Morning comes around and Jay automatically goes to stretch, but gets blocked by Hailey's body snuggled into his. During the night, Hailey's managed to roll around so the two of them are facing towards one an other. Jay looks down and smiles, the small blond womans face isn't even visible due to how close she is to him. He attempts to move, however is trapped; wedged between the back of the sofa and Hailey. "Mmmmhh" Hailey groans, waking up after feeling Jay squirm around on trying to get up. "Sorry" Jay squints his eyes, annoyed with himself that he woke Hailey up from a much needed rest. "It's okay. What time is it?" Hailey yawns, sitting up and attempting to tame her lions mane. Jay flapps his hand around trying to find any phone or watch he can get hold of, wacking his hand of several objects in the mean time. Jay pushes Hailey's cardigan off the coffee table and finds her phone. "Half seven, we have two hours before we have to be at the district" Jay reads, really not feeling like going to work. To Jay's humour, Hailey sinks down into the sofa and jokingly covers her face with the blanket...reminding Jay of when he was a child and his mum would wake him up for school. "Hails, come on" Jay chuckles, tickling Hailey to make her move. Hailey jumps up off the sofa, letting off a high pitched scream, and elbowing Jay in the eye on the way accedentally. "Omg Jay, sorry" Hailey smirks, trying her best to hold in her laughter. Usually she would feel bad, but this time Jay deserves the brewing black eye. "I had it coming" Jay moans, covering his eye with his hand. "Can't we just call in sick?" Hailey hopefully asks, wanting to spend the day with Jay. "Nope" Jay shakes his head, pulling making his way over to the kitchen to pour him and Hailey a coffee. "What if I made an appointment with Doctor Charles?" Hailey suggests, knowing Jay won't say no and will be relieved that she is willing to get help. Even if she is just using it as a way of skiving work. "Really?" Jay spins his head around in suprisment, but also kind of proud of Hailey for willing to go the extra mile for her sake. "Yes, but I don't want to go on my own" Hailey confirms, standing in the middle of the vast room, looking like a small vulnerable child. "I'll come don't worry" Jay says. He gets to Hailey and cups the side of her face with his hand, looking at Hailey like she is the only person in the whole world. "Thankyou" Hailey smiles, placing her hand gently ontop of Jay's. "I'll go call Doctor Charles" Hailey says, grabbing her phone off the coffee stand and looking to Jay for reassurance multiple times.


Three hours later, Hailey and Jay sit waiting outside of Doctor Charles' office. Hailey's leg shakes frantically with nervs and anticipation to what Charles may make her face. In a bid to stop Hailey's leg from shaking-which is secretly making him dizzy- Jay grabs hold of her hand tightly so she can squeeze the nervs out instead of shaking. "Sorry" Hailey mutters, picking up on what Jay's aim was with her hand in his. "Don't worry, it was just making me dizzy" Jay chuckles, quickly followed by a small one off Hailey in return. The two of them prop their heads up when they hear the crack of a door knob turning, continuing to reveal the tall, broad figure of which belongs to Doctor Charles. "Hi Hailey, Jay" Charles greets, gesturing his hand for them both to come in to his office.

Within seconds of sitting down, Charles gets straight to the point of why Hailey is in need of his help. Carefully listening to Hailey, Charles comprehends everything that Hailey is telling him and occasionally taking a quick shufti towards Jay, to see his reactions to Hailey's words. Not often has he seen a partner so cool and collected when having to listen to such horrible events that the other partner has experienced, making Charles extremely aware that there is more between Jay and Hailey then meets ones eye. Its not just a fling type 'relationship' between them, it's very deep and an emense amount of trust is shared between each other. "You've certainly gone through the ringer, absolutely no doubt about that. You have done the right thing coming to see me" Charles applauses, encouraged by Hailey's attitude towards healing with her willingness to talk. Its just the tip of the iceburg, however a big leap. "Thanks" Hailey awkwardly blushes, not entirely sure how to reply to Charles' comment. "My personal opinion is that you found a man that treat you like your father did. Not because you liked being treat like that, but because you didn't know any different" Charles starts, pausing to let Hailey process all what he just said. "You see, people who come from backgrounds like you, tend to end up in horrible relationships later on in life becuase they aren't sure if they can cope with anything else. Their minds trained to deal with the awfulness and diverts the kindness away" Charles proceeds his explination to Hailey, also clearing up alot of Hailey's perculair moments behavior over the last few years to Jay. Jay can see Hailey getting emotional so intertwines his fingers with hers, rubbing his thumb over her hand for reassurance. "Jay, let me ask you this- I'm genuinely interested and blown away to how you managed this. How did you get Hailey to let you help her? Get her to tell you everything" Charles asks, looking directly at Jay- who has no idea how he done it. "Um, ugh, I don't know" Jay shurggs, looking between Hailey and Charles. "Because I've always trusted him, I knew he wouldn't turn a blind eye and tell me I was over reacting. Admittedly he only found out because he found me face down unconscious, however I could have kept the rest a secret but I didn't. I've trusted Jay since the first day I met him, I trust him with my life" Hailey gabbles on, answering Doctor Charles' question and, in a way, thanking Jay for all he's done. Taking advantage of the opening to tell Jay everything she has wanted to for a while. "Wow, you two are quite the pair. Jay, you literally have saved Hailey" Charles says, rather bindboggled at the scale of trust between Hailey and Jay. Hailey and Jay turn to each other, blushing at what Charles just said. "On that note, Hailey, I advise you to keep going with work, talk to Jay, write a journal, come here every two weeks and take a pregnancy test" Charles lists, the last one completely astounds the couple.

A/N. Sorry for such a long paragraph, I didn't want to have to add such a small chapter for something that comfortably continues on the same chapter.

Thankyou all for reading this far, all comments and feedback is most welcome! (And votes😉). Amy x

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