Part 14

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General POV

For the last half an hour, Jays been pacing the waiting room at Med. Doctors have been coming in and out but non have been regarding Hailey yet. "Jay, what happened?" A flustered Kim speed walks straight into the waiting room and makes a beeline for Jay. "Promis you won't tell anyone" Jay makes Kim to promise she won't tell a soul about Haileys unfortunate situation, to which she nodds to. "Haileys been attacked, real bad though this time" Jay says, confusing Kim to what he means by this time. "What do you mean Jay?" Kim questions, left in limbo to whats fully going on and struggling even more to get her head around it with only half the story. "She didn't slip the other day and all her clumsy incidents over the years haven't been accidents" Jay adds, hoping Kim gets the jist so he doesn't have to verbally say the technical phase. Kim stands there silently for a second or two with a puzzled face trying to figure out what Jays trying to explain. " the case the other week when she flipped out and started acting all weird" Kim double checks with Jay, referring to the domestic case they dealt with a week ago and it was down to Haileys odd behavior joined by stuborness to something was off that it got cracked. "Yeh" Jay sadly confirms, both there eyes shinning with unwanted tears. "We should have guessed something wasn't right, we're her friends Jay" Kim stutters, feeling partly to blame for the situation Haileys gotten tangled into for so long. "No, no, its not your fault Kim. If its anyones its mine, I've had an icky feeling from day one and I didnt do anything" Jay assures Kim, knowing she'll destroy herself over it if not, turning the table back onto him. Before the debate carries on, Will walks into the waiting room- grabbing Jay and Kims attention straight away. "Hailey really is not looking good guys. Shes on a ventilator and the internal injuries are substantial, Connor and Ava are taking her to surgery now" Will explains, deep upsetness in his eyes and voice. "Is she going to be alright though?" Kim asks, her voice breaking with the force of tears battling with her. "I...I dont know, I'm really sorry" Will replies, turning around to get back to work. Not wanting to linger in the sad awkwardness. "We have to tell everyone, if she doesn't make it Hank and everyone should be here" Kim cries into Jays chest, his arms wrapped around hers for comfort. "Yeh" Jay agrees, pulling away to get his phone.

Jay wanders outisde to stand in the bitter cold weather were its quite and calls Voight. "Voight" Hank answers in his grough voice after three rings. "Hank, can you rangle everyone and get to Med now" Jay asks calmly as he can to not worry Voight. "Whats going on?" Voight worridly asks, his temp going from calm to pure panic. "Its Hailey, just get here now" Jay demands before hanging up on Voight.

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