Part 31

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General POV

Thirty mintues after being left alone, Hailey's challenging concentration goes out the window. Her breathing starts to get increasingly rapid and her fourhead becomes shiny. She gets up and stubles her way into the bathroom, walking into the odd object here and there due to blury vision. Hailey practically falls onto the sink, her breath is able to be heard from outisde the bathrooms.

Sinking to the floor, Hailey hides her face into her knees. Darkness over rides her eyes and memories of her recent all deals hit. Everything from the first time she ment Nate and his sweetness charming her, only to sneakily trap her. Then the first time he turned, the first time he neglected her after telling her he loved to, all the way to the zoo ordeal. "Hails, Hails" Jay snaps, brining Hailey out of her black daze. She slowly pics her head up, surprised they are back already, and vulnerably looks up to Jay. Her face is tomato red, blond locks of hair sticks to her tear stained cheeks and her beautiful blue eyes have turned sad and empty. "Oh Hails, come here" Jay sits down next to Hailey and pulls her into his side, drawing soothing circles the other side of her ribs. His light grey t-shirt starts to collect Haileys tears, turning it all patchy. "What happened?" Jay asks, knowing she was nervouse but not expecting this much of a melt down. "I
..I don't know. My breathing and c..concentration went all wack, so I came here. Everything went dark when I put my head into my knees and it all came back. I could see everything Jay" Hailey sobbs, taking a tighter grip on Jays top then she already did. "Oh Hails, you're safe. I've got you and nothing bad is going to happen, I promise to protect you" Jay hushes, rocking Himself and Hailey in an attempt to soothe her. "Thankyou" Hailey sniffles, finally starting to relax. "Ofcourse Hailey, you're my forever girl" Jay smiles down to her, sweeping her hair away from her face. "What were you out for?" Hailey asks, wanting to get the attention of her and focus back onto work. "It was a false alarm, Voight's CI just wanted a pay day" Jay sighs in annoyance. Maby if he hadn't gone on the false alarm, Hailey wouldn't be in this state. "We should go back out" Hailey hiccups due to the lack of air from crying. "You sure?" Jay checks, not wanting Hailey to push herself and have another breakdown. "Yeh Jay. Does it look like I've been crying?" Hailey asks, still looking like a soggs mess. "More like a beautiful piece of working progress" Jay smiles, caressing the side of Hailey's cheeks and subtly wiping the loose tears away. "Jay" Hailey smirks sadly, tilting her head to the side. "Hailey" Jay resonds jokingly, knowing what Hailey means but doesn't want to argue with her about it. "Lets go before we have our first argument" Jay says, standing up and offering his hand out for Hailey to take. "Thankyou" Hailey accepts Jay's hand and pulls herself up off the floor.

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