Part 32

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General POV

Hailey and Jay reappear in the break room, emerging from the corridor with there arms wrapped around each others back subconsciously. One by one as everyone notices, everyone's faces gaup in shock and relief that the two have finally gotten they are guessing anyway. Noticing the gauped looks on their friends and figuring out why, the couple nonchalantly separate like it's no big deal and take a seat at their desks opposite each other. "Why ya'll look like someone's just dragged a camel in here?" Voight walks out of his office to the sight of all his employees shocked expressions, all exept Jay and Hailey who have their heads down working. "Either we are all seeing something that isn't there, or Hailey and Jay just walked out from the corridor with an arm on the others back" Adam answers, shaking his head like you would if you thought you seen flying pigs. Hailey and Jay both look up and across to Voight, embarrassed to what they accedental action they just done, which is now going to cause chaos and drive Voight up the wall. "Don't look at me" Voight shurggs, wondering what Hailey and Jay are expecting him to do about it. "So" Kevin gets impact, wanting for an explanation of whats going on. Hailey and Jay look at each other in panic, having no idea how to go about it. They haven't even been together more than a two weeks and still navigating the relationship themselves. "I had little breakdown in the bathrooms, Jay was just comforting me" Hailey carifies, not lying because that's precisely what Jay was doing about ten minutes ago. "Now Hailey's kindly clarified all your tiny brains, please get back to work you teenagers" Hank orders, wondering if his detectives and officers are teengares in disguise. Voights order doesn't finish the conversation off, as soon as Voight's office door slams shut, the five amigos start teasing and poking at Jay and Hailey. "STOP. JAY AND I ARE JUST FRIENDS! WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND?" Hailey yells, flying off the handle completely with her friends. The whole room is descends to silence, thrown back with the uncharacteristic outburst off Hailey. Voight's door swings open, barking for everyone, minus Jay, to run laps of the district building as a punishment for pushing- a very vulnerable- Hailey over the edge. "Sarg, its freezing out there" Antonio winges, quickly regretting it when Hank throws him a heavy, full, water bottle for him to carry around for extra weight. "This should help to warm you up quicker" Voight glares, watching a very discruntled Antonio walk off. "Hailey, I know they were acting like babies, you can't loose your temper like that" Hank reminds Hailey, trying to come across as more of a friend than her boss. "I'm sorry, I don't know what caught hold of me" Hailey replies, gesturing a hand fling of I dont know what else to say. "I do. Upton, you are traumatised. You might no feel it, but you are. With what you went though its expected, I fact its a mirical you are doing as well as you are" Hank breaks the news to Hailey that she has been denying to herself since she came out the coma; the news that Jay has been attempting to subtly get her to accept it. "I don't want to tell you what to do at every minute of the day, but me being your boss and caring about, I don't want you living on your own. Not until you get help anyway" Voight says, knowing the things past victims can do themselves when left to their own thoughts. "Voi.." Hailey starts to argue, but gets cut off by both Hank and Jay. Jay puts his hand over Hailey's mouth in a bid for her to let Hank talk and to stop her arguing. "You can either stay at my place or get a friend to stay with you" Hank gives Hailey two choices, neither of them go down well; imparticually the one about staying with Voight. "Which friend? I don't have any" Hailey says, being truthful and not just being stubborn. "I'll stay" Jay volunteers, figuring it makes the most sence for him to stay with her. "What? Jay, no, you can't. We just got together" Hailey protests, the whole situation is moving far to quickly for her liking. "I'll sleep in the spare room, either that or staying with Hank" Jay points out to Hailey. "Fine, just for a while" Hailey agrees. "Good" Hank barks, running off to tell the others they've done enough laps.

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