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The Burrow was quiet, despite the many that were in it. The Order was having a meeting, but nothing seemed to be going well. It was a whole week after Christmas, and it was their first meeting in two weeks.

"Do we know if Harry is okay?" Lily asked, her voice shaky.

"We don't know," Kingsley said softly. "We just know that the body of Bathilda Bagshot was found and it was obvious that a fight of some sort occurred."

"And You-know-who was there?" James asked.

"We don't know if he was actually there or not. The neighbors were all celebrating Christmas in the village square, so they didn't see anything, except for one person, and he just saw a boy and girl fall from a window," Mr. Weasley answered.

"You oblivated them, right?" Kingsley asked, as he wasn't on that mission.

"Of course," Mr. Weasley said.

"Do we know if Ron has told Bill and Fleur anything?" James asked, wanting as much information as possible.

"No, he's been quiet," Mr. Weasley said. "But Bill thinks he's going to go back and help them if he can find them."

"Just what we need," Remus sighed. "Another teen missing. Harry and Hermione possibly dead. And who knows if Rose is okay."

"I think we would know if they were dead. The Death Eaters would be advertising it every chance they could get," Kingsley said. "And Rose is only good for them if she's alive."

"I know," Remus sighed as he ran his hands over his face.

"Have we seen Rose any?" Sirius asked. He wasn't allowed to patrol Malfoy Manor any because the Order was worried that he would try to storm the house at the sight of his daughter. Marlene wasn't allowed to either, and Remus had recently been taken off of patrolling duty as well.

"Not since Christmas Eve," Fred said.

"No one has been outside other than the snatchers," George added.

"Not even Draco?" Blaise asked. He knew that his friend enjoyed going on walks around the grounds, so something must have happened if he wasn't outside.

"Not even Draco," Fred confirmed.

"That's odd. He usually-"

Blaise cut himself off as a popping sound was heard in the fields. Everyone immediately stood up, as Ginny entered the kitchen, Sebastian and Arabella in her arms.

"Did you hear that?" Ginny asked, her eyes wide. Cedric made his way over to her and grabbed Sebastian from her arms.

"Go upstairs and keep your wands out," Mrs. Weasley ordered. Ginny opened her mouth to argue, but Cedric shook his head and guided her upstairs.

"Remus, James, Lily, Arthur, come with me," Kingsley ordered. The four nodded and pulled out their wands as they made their way out of the house. Sirius, Marlene, and Mrs. Weasley all stood between the others and the door as Tonks guarded the base of the stairs.

"Who do you think it is?" Blaise asked as he clutched his wand.

"I don't know," Sirius said tensely as he made sure that Blaise wasn't visible through the window. The boy had been living with them for the past few weeks, and Sirius felt extra protective of the boy.

"Blaise," Remus said as he entered the house. "Come out here."


"It's fine, Sirius," Remus said, knowing that Sirius would try to argue.

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