high inquisitor

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Rose didn't think she could hate Umbridge anymore that she already did but then Hermione showed them the Daily Prophet.

"What's a high inquisitor?" Harry asked through a mouthful of blueberry muffin. Hermione started reading the article outloud.

Apparently, the Ministry was interfering at Hogwarts more than ever. Percy Weasley, who gave an interview, claimed that Umbridge had been an immediate success, causing Harry to yell and Rose to choke on her muffin. Umbridge now had the power to inspect all her other professors, but Rose feared that she would be gaining more power as the year went on.

"So the ministry did put Umbridge here to take power from Dumbledore," Hermione announced when she was done reading. "This is outrageous."

"I know it is," Harry agreed as he looked at his hand. A small grin started to fill Ron's face.

"What?" The rest of the quartet said at the same time.

"I'm just imagining Umbridge examining Mcgonagall!" Ron explained. "Umbridge won't know what hit her!"

"Well, come on," Hermione said. "If she's expecting Binn's class we don't want to be late."

Umbridge wasn't in History of Magic or Potions. Snape handed back the Moonstone property essays and Rose was pleasantly surprised to see she got an A.

"I have awarded you the grades you would have recieved if this was the OWL," Snape explained. "This should give you a realistic expectation."

Snape turned and faced the class, a sneer on his face.

"The overall grades were horrid. I expect better quality from this week's essay on the various varieties of venom antidotes, or I will have to start handing out detentions for those who get D's."

"Some people got D's? Ha!" Draco whispered loudly, causing Snape to smirk. Rose looked at Harry's paper and saw he got a D, but he quickly hid his essay before anyone else could see. Harry's potion was perfect that class, as he didn't want Snape to ridicule him again.

"Well, that wasn't as bad as it was last week, was it?" Hermione asked as they were leaving the class. "And the homework didn't go too badly, either, did it?"

Ron and Harry didn't respond.

"I mean, I wasn't expecting top grades since he was grading to OWL standards, but a pass is still good, right?" Hermione pressed on as they sat at the Gryffindor table.

"I would've loved an O, but-"

"Hermione," Ron interrupted, "if you want to know what we got, just ask."

"I didn't-you don't have to-only if you want," Hermione stammered.

"I got a P. Happy?" Ron said as he grabbed some soup.

"Well, that's nothing to be ashamed of," Fred said as he joined the group, George and Lee not far behind. "Nothing wrong with a good healthy P."

"Isn't P Poor?" Rose asked.

"Yeah," Lee answered. "Still better than D, though. D is Dreadful."

Harry faked a coughing fit and he emerged from where he was hiding under the table with a red face.

"So there's O for Outstanding and then A for Acceptable?" Hermione asked.

"No, E is the highest," George answered as he reached to grab the last piece of bread in front of Rose. Rose slapped his hand and grabbed the piece of bread for herself, as George had already eaten 3 pieces. "Ow, Rose. Stop hitting me over bread! Anyways, E for Exceeds Expectations. I always said that Fred and I should get an E in every subject because we're exceeding expectations just by showing up."

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