10. awkward conversations

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Lyn quickly followed after Harry, telling Ron and Hermiome to enjoy Hogsmeade some more and finish buying Christmas presents. Lyn barely caught up to Harry, and when she did, she knew not to talk. The whole rest of the trip was silent and awkward. Both teens were lost in thought about what they just heard.

At dinner, Lyn and Harry couldn't talk to Ron and Hermione due to Percy sitting so close. When they got back to the common room, Harry ran up to his dorm room. Lyn followed, knowing that Fred and George, who were playing with some trick products, would try to ask them about Hogsmeade.

"Harry?" Lyn asked quietly as she entered the dorm after him. Harry barely turned around and instead found a picture album and sat down on his bed. Hesitantly, Lyn sat down next to him. Lyn stayed silent as Harry turned throughout the pages of what seemed to be his family.

Harry stopped on a wedding picture. Lyn looked and saw a mirror image of Harry on the picture with a woman that had the same eyes as Harry. She quickly deduced that these were his parents. The most surprising part of the picture was the man standing by Harry's dad. It was a younger Sirius Black, handsome and not as gaunt as he was shown in more recent pictures. Both teens stared at the man with different thoughts running through their minds.

Harry was staring at the picture and thinking about how horrible Black was and wondering why no one ever truthfully told him about his godfather. He thought back to the dementors and what Fudge said. Meanwhile, Lyn was more focused on Black's eyes and hair. Lyn couldn't help but notice that they had the same eyes and hair. Lyn then noticed a woman behind Sirius that looked almost exactly like her. Before she could investigate further, Harry slammed the book closed.

"Thank you for staying, but you should go," Harry told her, little to no emotion in his voice. Lyn just nodded and left the room. She bumped into Ron as she went down the steps.

"How is he?" Ron asked.

"Upset," Lyn answered simply.

"Did you know that your godfather was also the godfather to Sirius Black's daughter?" Ron questioned.

"No, he never told me. He never even told me how close he was with Harry's mom and dad, Peter, or Black. He mentioned they were friends, but that was it," Lyn answered truthfully.

"Maybe if you ask he'll tell you," Ron suggested. Lyn just snorted.

"That's funny. He would know I went to Hogsmeade. Plus, I think this is something he should tell me on his own," Lyn told the red haired boy, who nodded.

"Probably true. Well, goodnight Lyn," Ron said. Lyn muttered a goodnight and snuck through the crowded common room and went to her dorm and closed the hangings around her bed. She listened as her roommates came into the room, and even when Hermione called her name, but she never moved her hanging. She didn't sleep for practically the whole night, too busy thinking about what she over heard.

When Lyn woke up, Hermione was already up and reading a book.

"Good morning," Lyn croaked out, shocking Hermione.

"Oh, you scared me!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Shh! You'll wake up everybody else," Lyn reprimanded, wanting to fall back into her bed and sleep for a few more hours.

"No one else is here, Lyn. It's the first day of break," Hermione reminded the girl. Lyn shot up in bed and looked around. She had completely forgotten what day it was with everything that she had heard in the Three Broomsticks.

"Oh. What time is it?" Lyn asked, seeing that Lavender and Parvati had already left.

"A little before nine," Hermione responded. She then seemed to stare at Lyn for a long time as if she was lost in thought.

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