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It was the last day of break before school started back when the book lists arrived. Hermione, who had quickly forgiven Rose about not telling her about her relationship, had brought Rose's letter to her room.

"I don't believe it," Hermione gasped.

"What?" Rose mumbled, too busy reading over the list to really care.

"I-I made prefect!" Hermione yelled. Rose gasped and looked and saw Hermione holding the prefect badge.

"Hermione! That's amazing!" Rose exclaimed. She wrapped Hermione in a tight hug as they jumped up and down.

"Oh! I bet Harry got it! Let's go check on the boys!" Hermione said. She was running out of the room before her sentence was even over. Rose walked as she didn't want to run.

"Did you get it?" Hermione panted. Rose finally reached the room as Hermione let out a shriek. Rose could see that Harry was holding a prefects badge, but the look on his face was sad. Fred and George were smirking as they stood in the middle of the room.

"I knew it!" Hermione exclaimed. "I knew it, Harry! Me too!"

"No!" Harry said quickly. He shoved the badge at Ron, who grabbed it quickly. "It's Ron, not me."

Hermione's jaw fell and Rose let out a little snort as she walked over to Harry and grabbed his hand, knowing that he wanted to he prefect and he was probably disappointed.

"Ron?" Hermione asked. "Are you...are you sure?"

"It's my name on the letter," Ron snapped.

"I...well...that's," Hermione stammered. "Wow...that's-"

"Unexpected," George finished Hermione's sentence for her.

"No!" Hermione quickly yelled, he cheeks turning red. "Ron's done...he's done loads...and..."

Mrs. Weasley entered the room, effectively ending Hermione's awkward ramblings. She was carrying a basket of laundry and she didn't pay attention to anyone in the room.

"Ginny said the booklists have finally arrived," Mrs. Weasley said as she started folding Ron's clothes. "If you'll give them to me, I'll go down to Diagon Alley today and buy everything...Ron, you'll need new pajamas. These are about six inches too short. What color could you like?"

"Get him red and gold to match his badge," George said, a wide smirk on his face.

"Match his what?" Mrs. Weasley asked, not really paying attention.

"His shiny new prefects badge," Fred answered. Mrs. Weasley shrieked and dropped the clothes she was holding in her hands as she turned to look at Ron, who sheepishly held up his badge.

"I don't believe it! How wonderful! My Ronniekins is a prefect! That's everyone in the family!" Mrs. Weasley yelled as she gave Ron a huge hug.

"What are Fred and I, next door neighbors?" George asked. Mrs. Weasley just waved him off and hugged Ron tighter, talking to herself about how proud she is.

"You know," Harry whispered into Rose's ear as she moved her so that she was standing with her back to his chest and their hands were interlocked over her stomach. "I'm almost glad I didn't get prefect just so I didn't have to deal with that."

"Me too, Har," Rose grinned. Harry gave her cheek a small kiss before resting his chin on her head.

"So," Mrs. Weasley said breathlessly as she finally let Ron go. "What will it be? We got Percy an owl, but you've already got one of those."

"What?" Ron asked. His cheeks were pink and he wouldn't meet anyone's eyes.

"A reward, of course!" Mrs. Weasley said fondly. "How about a new set of dress robes?"

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