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Hi! This update is earlier than usual, but it's for a reason. This story has been pretty high up in the tags recently, but it's not showing up anymore. Is it showing up for you guys? I don't know how or why it dropped so quickly, so fast. Anyways, thank you for reading, commenting and voting!

Rose was rudely woken up by her shoulders being shaken. She could tell that she had been allowed to sleep in and that it was almost noon, but she didn't know why she hadn't been woken ul earlier.

"Get up," Draco ordered when Rose glared at him. Rose quickly sat up when she saw the panic on his face.

"What is it?" Rose asked as she stood up, already wide awake.

"Just hurry and get dressed," Draco said. Rose felt her heartbeat speed up as she pulled on a random dress and fixed her hair so she looked presentable.

"Can you tell me now?" Rose asked as Draco grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the dining room, where the majority of the Death Eater missions were held.

"You'll see," Draco muttered as he entered the dining room. It seemed as if every single Death Eater was there, and they all looked tense.

"Sit," Voldemort ordered, his voice cold. Rose and Draco both hurried to sit down. Voldemort continued to pace back and forth.

"You are wondering why I summoned you here today," Voldemort finally said. "Harry Potter and his friends have infiltrated the Ministry."

A gasp echoed throughout the room and Rose had to fight to not reveal her anxiety.

"Were they captured?" Lucius asked, his voice slightly shaky.

"No," Voldemort said. "They released several muggleborns who were there for a trial, and they stole the eye of Mad-Eye Moody."

"Who let them go, Master?" Snape asked. Rose glared at him some, but he refused to meet her eye.

"Yaxley," Voldemort said as he looked to a shaking wizard who was tied up in the corner of the room.

"I can take care of him," Bellatrix said, a smile on her face as she licked her lips.

"Please do," Voldemort said. Bellatrix let out a cackle and dragged Yaxley into another room. Rose cringed some at his tortured screams. Voldemort flicked his wand and silenced the man so that he could continue the meeting.

"They also," Voldemort said as he started pacing again. "Took something of great importance to me. A locket, of sorts."

Rose gasped softly, knowing that they must have the horcrux. That meant that her uncle Regulus might be able to come home and help the Order again. Voldemort glanced at Rose, but continued to pace.

"Getting the locket back is top priority. Other than getting the Potter boy, of course," Voldemort said. "I can promise you one thing: if Harry Potter is allowed to escape once more, I will not be as forgiving as I am with Yaxley."

Multiple Death Eaters shuddered at the thought of a punishment.

"Lucius, tell me what you've learned and the new plans," Voldemort ordered as he sat down. Lucius stood up, his hands shaking some.

"We believe that Potter was staying at Grimmauld Place, but he has most likely abandoned the home because Yaxley was able to follow them there," Lucius said. "Our plan is to increase the number of Snatchers patrolling at all times, and to enforce a curfew at Hogsmeade. If Potter was to enter Hogsmeade past the curfew, an alarm will ring and he will be caught. Furthermore, we will continue to watch Grimmauld Place, but only one person will be on guard at a time."

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