stupid boys

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Hogwarts has never been so clean or festive. All the professors seemed to want to impress the foreign guests, so the portraits were scrubbed and the knights were spotless and no longer squeaked when they moved. The knights would also randomly start singing Christmas songs, muggle and wizard alike.

Harry and Rose were very awkward around each other. Rose wouldn't talk to Harry and he was always sending her glances that she didn't return. She knew that neither he or Ron had a date yet, but she couldn't find it in her to care.

"Rose! Rose! Oh, Merlin!" Hermione yelled, throwing open the door of their dorm. Rose was studying in there to get away from other people.

"What is it, you crazy woman?" Rose asked, quickly gathering her papers as Hermione plopped down on her bed, right where her papers had been.

"I got asked to the ball!" Hermione sighed, grabbing the stuffed wolf that Rose now slept with and cuddling it to her chest.

"By who?" Rose gasped, pulling Hermione up so that they were both sitting.

"You'll never believe it!" Hermione told the girl.

"Try me."

"Ok!... Viktor Krum!" Hermione shrieked.

"Oh, finally," Rose shrugged. Hermione's face fell.

"You're not happy?" Hermione whispered. Rose laughed before pulling Hermione up and they started jumping up and down together.

"He told me he likes you months ago!" Rose admitted once they had sat back down on the bed, their hair much crazier than before.

"Really?" Hermione gasped.

"Yep. I told him he should ask you."

"Well...thank you. I think...I think that I've kinda, maybe liked him for a while," Hermione admitted sheepishly, her face turning pink.

"You're kidding! I thought you hated him!"

"No, just his fangirls. He is pretty cute," Hermione giggled.

"Oh, I can't wait until Ron sees you two together!" Rose teased. Hermione blushed more that she already was.

"What...why-why would Ron care?" Hermione asked, her voice raising in pitch.

"You two like each other. It's pretty obvious," Rose replied, raising her eyebrow at Hermione.

"No we don't!" Hermione insisted. Rose just shrugged. "Well, what about you and Harry?"

"What about me and Harry? He didn't ask me to the ball and then sat there and didn't say anything when someone else did," Rose told Hermione with a shrug, but Hermione could see the hurt in her eyes.

"Hey, I know that things have been weird between you two, but you'll figure it out," Hermione assured the girl. Rose grinned at her.

"Thanks. Do you wanna go down to the common room and see if they're there?"

"Sure. Let's go."

The two girls walked down to the common room to see an interesting sight. Harry and Ginny were comforting Ron, who looked traumatized.

"What happened to you?" Rose asked the boy, laying on the couch and putting her feet in his lap. Ron quickly pushed her feet off and sent her a disgusted look, to which she mocked but sat up straight. She sent a quick glance at Harry, knowing that he always let her put her feet in his lap, even if they were super stinky.

"He asked Fleur to the dance. Kinda just...yelled at her," Ginny explained. Rose clamped her hand over her mouth to keep from asking. Hermione gasped.

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