throwing books

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Hi! I decided that Marlene is going to be Blake Lively! There are some things I'm going to change, like Marlene is going to have longer hair and it's going to be blonde, but there's nothing that changes the actual story.

Rose woke up to whispers. She groggily sat up and yawned, clutching Tillie to her chest.

"Do you think they're actually together?" Lavender whispered.

"Seamus said that he saw them snogging in a corridor, but she might just be playing him," Parvati whispered back.

"Probably...we all know she's lying about You-know-who, she's probably lying about liking Harry too," Lavender whispered and Parvati broke out in giggles. Rose gently placed Tillie down on her bed as she threw open the curtains around her bed at the same time as Hermione. Lavender and Parvati both jumped.

"Is there something you would like to say to me?" Rose asked calmly, although her blood was boiling.

"No!" Lavender and Parvati both shrieked as they ran into the bathroom at the same time.

"She's not lying!" Hermione yelled as they slammed the bathroom door shut.

"It's fine...I knew some people wouldn't believe us," Rose sighed as she got up and grabbed her uniform out of her trunk. Tillie jumped off of her bed and walked over to Hermione's bed, where she curled up next to Crookshanks.

"They're definitely going to fall in love," Rose said.

"That would be so cute!" Hermione agreed. The two girls got ready as they talked about their cats and the new year. Rose was very glad that her hair was straightened because it took her a much shorter amount of time to style it.

"Ready to go?" Rose asked. Hermione nodded and they stood up to leave.

"We're leaving! You can leave the bathroom now!" Rose yelled. Lavender and Parvati slowly opened the door and exited the bathroom as Rose and Hermione walked down the steps.

"What's wrong with you?" Hermione asked when she saw Harry. "You look absolutely -oh, for Heaven's sake!"

Rose let out a laugh as she saw what Hermione was complaining about. Fred and George had put up a sign telling people they would pay them to be test subjects.

"They are the limit," Hermione said angrily as she tore down the sign. "We'll have to talk to them, Ron."

"Why?" Ron asked, looking very alarmed.

"We're prefects!" Hermione reminded him as they exited the common room and started walking to the Great Hall for breakfast. "It's up to us to stop this sort of thing!"

Ron didn't reply but Rose could tell that he had no intentions of talking to Fred and George about their signs.

"Anyways, what's up, Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, you look really angry," Rose added.

"Seamus reckons Harry and Rose are lying about You-know-who," Ron answered when Harry wouldn't.

"Lavender and Parvati do, too," Hermione said gloomily. "We heard them talking about it this morning."

"They hid in the bathroom until we left," Rose snorted.

"Been having some nice, little chats about whether or not I'm lying, have you?" Harry asked angrily.

"No, we told them that you weren't lying," Hermione said calmly. Rose slapped Harry's arm for how rude he had been. "I'd appreciate if you would stop snapping at us. We believe you."

"Sorry," Harry mumbled.

"It's alright," Hermione assured Harry. "Do you remember what Dumbledore said at the end of the year feast last year?'

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