new home

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Rose seemed to float around for the rest of the day. She didn't notice any of the looks she got from the other students and she didn't notice the jeers that were thrown her way. She barely even noticed where was was in the castle.

"Er-Rose?" Harry asked. She had somehow made her way into the common room and was staring at the fire. She didn't respond but stuck her hand out and almost touched the fire. Harry snatched her hand out of the way last second and she looked up to him in shock.

"Oh, hello, Harry," Rose said. Harry didn't respond as he was too shocked by her appearance. Her braid was half undone and her eyes, cheeks and nose were all bright red. She had bags under her eyes and she didn't seem to look straight at him, but rather past him.

"Are-are you ok?" Hermione asked, stepping forward from where she was standing. Rose moved her eyes and sent Hermione a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"I'm fine Hermione. I've never been better," Rose replied. Her voice was almost robotic.

"What happened in Dumbledore's office?" Harry asked. Rose's eyes clouded over with tears but the smile stayed on her face. It terrified Harry and Hermione to see her like this.

"I'm being taken away from Moony because he's a werewolf and they think he's working with Sirius to kill Harry. Oh, and they're investigating him and my mum because they think that they are working with Sirius and are using me to try to kill Harry," Rose said, the sickly sweet smile never leaving her face.

"They can't do that!" Hermione cried.

"They already did. They...they want to find my dad...I think..." Rose trailed off and the smile fell off her face. She turned back around and stared at the fire. Before Harry could grab her, she stuck her hand into the fire.

"What in Merlin's left saggy tit, Rose?!" Harry yelled as he grabbed her and pulled her away from the fire. She landed on his chest where she stayed. Other students looked over at the trio and some brave ones walked over.

"I had to see if I could still feel something, Har," Rose replied, her voice breaking. The tears started rolling down her face as she cradled her burnt hand to her chest. Hermione sent a glare at all of the students that looked their way, and they all sheepishly looked away. Harry picked Rose up in his arms and looked to Hermione.

"I know the spell to allow you to walk up the steps. Come on," Hermione muttered. Harry followed after Hermione and went up the steps to the girls dorm. His arms were aching but he didn't care. Rose was trading the pattern in his shirt and humming.

"This is her bed," Hermione pointed. Harry nodded and placed her down in a bed. Rose cuddled under the blankets.

"Har?" Rose whispered. Harry quickly squatted down to her level. "Can you get a stuffed wolf from my trunk?"

"Of course," Harry whispered. Rose nodded and cuddled deeper into her bed. Hermione sat down near her head and pet her head.

Harry returned quickly with a stuffed wolf that was obviously old.

"Where'd you get this?" Hermione asked softly.

"Moony bought it for me when I was born. I've had it ever since," Rose explained. The door to the room opened and Lavender and Parvati entered.

"Harry?! What are you doing in here?!" Lavender yelled.

"I'm helping Rose!" Harry replied quickly, gesturing to the girl who was quietly crying in her bed. Both girls seemed to freeze for a second.

"I don't know why you would want to do that. It's because of her dad that your parents are dead," Lavender said.

"You don't know the whole story, and even if what you said was true Rose is not her dad. So I'm going to help her and you can get over it," Harry told the girls, a steely tone to his voice. They both rolled their eyes before getting a book and leaving. Harry awkwardly sat down by Rose's feet.

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