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Everyone froze as Harry pointed his wand at his parents. Even Dumbledore seemed like he didn't know what to do.

"What's going on?" Regulus asked with a yawn as he entered the room. His eyes went wide when he saw Harry, and he let out a curse.

"I did say it was probably a Death Eater," Rose said sheepishly.

"Really, Rose?" Regulus sighed.

"Who are you?" Harry asked shakily. His wand was still pointed at his parents and Cedric.

"You know who they are, Harry," Sirius said as he stepped forward, Arabella in his arms.

"No, I don't! Because they're dead!" Harry yelled.

"We were," James said as he stepped forward a little. Harry moved his wand to focus only on James, so the man froze and held his hands up.

"Harry, please put your wand down," Rose pleaded.

"No! These-these are probably Death Eaters!" Harry argued.

"If they were Death Eaters, wouldn't we be pointing our wands at them too?" Rose asked.

"I don't know! But what I do know is my parents are dead and I watched Cedric die! They're all dead!" Harry yelled.

"You saw me die too," Rose said softly. "But now I'm not dead."

"That's cause...cause you were taken to America," Harry said.

"No, Harry," Dumbledore said. "Miss. Black and her father both died. She was forced to lie to you. Put down your wand so we can explain."

Harry took one look at Dumbledore and he put down his wand, but kept it in his hand.

"How about we go to the kitchen?" Dumbledore suggested.

"Sounds good," Sirius said. The whole group made their way to the kitchen completely silent. Harry sat in between Rose and Sirius and across from his parents, who he refused to look at. The kitchen was completely silent until Remus walked in.

"Hey guys. What are you doing down here?" Remus asked as he looked at the table. "Hey, Harry....Harry!"

"Please sit, Mr. Lupin. Your help might be needed to explain," Dumbledore said. Remus quickly sat down next to Rose.

"Someone better start explaining," Harry said lowly.

"Remember the whole prophecy thing?" Rose asked. Harry nodded. "Well...turns out I can bring people back to life."

"But only people she loves," Sirius added.

"How?" Harry asked.

"It's the prophecy," Sirius said with a shrug.

"Maybe tell him the prophecy, but leave out the stuff about...y'know," Rose said. Sirius gave her a small smirk before telling Harry the prophecy, leaving out the part about soulmates.

" you did die?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," Rose confirmed.

"But you came back to life...and brought my parents back?" Harry asked.

"And Regulus and Cedric," Rose added.

" have my parents back?" Harry asked shakily.

"You do," Lily said softly. She reached out to grab Harry's hand that was resting on the table, but he yanked it back.

"When-when were you going to tell me?" Harry asked as he stood up and started pacing.

"The plan was always to tell you about Rose and Sirius today...we weren't sure when to tell you about Lily and James," Remus told Harry.

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