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Much to the displeasure of Hermione, Harry continued to use the potions book for the rest of the week. Slughorn praised Harry every single class, making everyone slightly upset. Ron could barely understand the handwriting and Hermione refused to use the book, so Harry didn't share with them. Rose would sometimes use the book, but she preferred using her own book, as she felt slightly anxious around Harry's book.

Harry and Rose hadn't been able to learn anything about the half-blood prince, but they didn't stress about it.

"What if it's a girl?" Rose asked as Harry was talking to Ron in the common room. Rose was playing with Harry's hair as he rubbed circles into her knee.

"The hand writing is a little feminine," Hermione agreed.

"It's the Half-Blood Prince," Harry reminded them. "What girl calls themself a prince?"

"Maybe you're right," Rose sighed as she stood up. "I gotta go to detention with Snape."

"Yeah, I have to go to lessons with Dumbledore," Harry said as he stood up as well. Rose waved bye to Ron and Hermione as she made her way to Snape's classroom, allowing Harry to go to his own lesson.

"Come in," Snape ordered when Rose knocked on his door. He sneered at her as she entered and gestured for her to sit down at a desk.

"You will be organizing these detention slips by date," Snape said as he pointed to a tall pile of papers. Rose nodded and sat down as Snape went into his office.

"This is gonna take hours," Rose groaned to herself as she started organizing the papers. After thirty minutes, Rose got bored enough that she started reading the papers.

James Potter has detention for a week after punching Severus Snape in the face.

Sirius Black has detention for a week after hexing Severus Snape.

Lily Evans has detention for a week after hexing both James Potter and Sirius Black and using muggle methods to harm Severus Snape.

Marlene McKinnon has detention for one day after using inappropriate language aimed at Severus Snape, Sirius Black, and James Potter.

Severus Snape has detention for two weeks after

"Did I tell you that you could read these?" Snape growled as he ripped the paper out of Rose's hand before she could finish reading. The girl jumped back in shock and looked at the man, who looked terrifyingly angry.

"I'm sorry, I just got bored," Rose said quickly. Snape's chest was heaving as he glared at the girl.

"Out!" Snape screamed. Rose nodded and hurried out of the room.

"What is it?" Hermione asked when Rose ran into the common room.

"Snape made me sort detention slips and there was one about my parents and Harry's parents and him. He ripped the slip out of my hand before I could read it, but I think he did something really bad to them," Rose explained. "He was so angry that it was scary."

"He's a git, but he wouldn't harm a student," Ron said boredly as he attempted to write an essay, but Rose could see that he was struggling. Hermione sent Ron a small smile that the boy didn't notice.

"You're right. Hermione, come!" Rose said. Hermione stumbled as Rose grabbed her arm and dragged her to their room. Tillie and Crookshanks made their way to their owners as they sat on Hermione's bed.

"What is it?" Hermione asked, but her cheeks were pink.

"You like Ron," Rose said simply. Hermione blushed even darker and started stuttering before letting out a sigh.

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