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As May approached, Rose found herself spending more and more time with Neville and less with Hermione, Ron and Harry. They were always whispering together and Rose still saw Harry constantly checking the Maurader's Map. Neville was often able to get Rose's mind off of her problems, and she was able to help him gain some much needed confidence.

"Do you hear that?" Rose asked. She and Neville were walking around the school in an attempt to find Trevor, Neville's toad, when Rose heard what sounded like crying.

"I don't want to intrude," Neville said anxiously.

"I'm gonna go check on whoever that it. I'll help you find Trevor later," Rose said. Neville looked like he was going to argue, but he knew that Rose wouldn't listen. Instead, he nodded and continued his search as Rose entered the boys bathroom.

Draco was leaning over a sink and letting out sobs as he looked into the sink.

"Tell me what's wrong...I can help you..." Moaning Myrtle said softly.

"No one can help me," Draco cried. Rose jumped slightly when she felt a hand on her arm. She turned and saw that it was just Harry. "I can't do won't work...he'll kill family..."

Draco let out a loud sob as he looked up at himself. He quickly turned around when he saw Harry and Rose looking at him.

"Stop it!" Rose cried as she ran to the other side of the bathroom. Harry and Draco had immediately started dueling.

"Stop!" Myrtle yelled. Her screams mixed with Rose's as they pleaded for the boys to stop. The jinxes kept missing their intended targets and hitting the walls instead. The sinks were pouring water and the toilets were cracked.


"SECTUMSEMPRA!" Harry yelled before Draco could hit him with the torture curse. Draco fell to the ground with a large splash, his wand falling out of his hand. Rose fell to the floor and crawled to Draco's head as blood started spurting from his face and chest.

"What did you do?" Rose cried. Her breaths came out heavier and heavier as her mind went back to the muggle man from the Malfoy Manor. She was so dizzy that she didn't even think to start healing Draco. "You killed him! You-you killed him!"

"No," Harry muttered.

"MURDER! MURDER IN THE BATHROOM!" Myrtle screamed. The door slammed open and Snape burst into the room. Snape knelt down next to Rose and started muttering the spell, allowing the wounds to start closing.

"You need the hospital wing," Snape told Draco as he helped the boy stand. "There might be some scarring, but if you take dittany we might avoid that."

Draco let Snape practically drag him out of the bathroom.

"Stay here, Potter," Snape snarled before he left.

"Rose, I didn't mean to," Harry said softly as he reached out to help her stand up.

"No!" Rose shrieked before his hands could touch her. She curled up into a ball in the corner of the room and tried to breath, but she was taking in less and less oxygen. Her sobs were growing louder and louder as her eyesight grew more and more fuzzy.

"Rose, please," Harry pleaded as he tried to help her. Rose flicked her wand and Harry was sent to the other side of the bathroom. Rose shakily put her wand in her pocket, letting out a whine when she saw the blood staining her robes. She shakily stood up and immediately stumbled and landed on her knees, puking into the bloody water.

"You need to breath, Rose," Harry said in a panic. Her mind kept going back to the muggle man and she started feeling pain where Lucius had hit her with his cane. She let out loud sobs as she grabbed at the bloody water, letting it flow between her fingers, staining them a bright red.

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